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  What do you do when you feel unhappy? Do you listen to music? Do you talk to a friend?
  Maybe next time you feel sad, you should try going outside if it is sunny. Scientists know that sunlight we get can change how we feel.
  Scientists learned this by interviewing people who live in different parts of the world. In the far north, in Alaska or Finland, for example, the days are very short in the winter. People living in these places say that they often feel unhappy in the winter. In the south where there are more daylight hours, fewer people say they are unhappy in the winter.
  The reason is the amount1 of sunlight these people get each day. Sunlight changes the chemicals2 in our bodies, and these chemicals can change the way we feel. A couple of hours of strong sunlight or light from a special lamp can help your body make the chemicals that make us feel happy.
  Another way to feel happier is to get some exercise. Just like sunlight, regular exercise helps our bodies make certain chemicals, which make us feel happier.
  In addition, exercise helps people sleep better and lack of sleep often makes people feel unhappy.
  Exercise also helps us get rid of stress. When we are angry or upset about something, exercise is a good way to get those bad feelings out of us.
A说:“我们的公寓墙壁太薄了,所以我们的邻居在冬季无论什么时候开门,我们肯定会感冒。”  B说:“我们的公寓墙壁太薄了,所以一次我问妻子一个问题,却得到了三个不同的答复。”  C说:“我们的公寓墙壁太薄了,所以我的妻子无论什么时候切洋葱,隔壁的人都会打喷嚏。”
1. In the Warring States Period, Qi Jinggong is the king of Qi. His favorite horse died. He is so angry that he decides to punish2 the groom3. Qi Jinggong says, “Come here, take the groom out and dism
What do you think will the life in the future be like? In my opinion, I won’t have to go to school. I’ll study at home on computers. I think I’ll be taller and become more beautiful. I’ll be an animal
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一个奇迹  一个八岁的孩子听到父母在谈论她的弟弟。她只知道他病得很重,他们没有钱。现在只有一台很昂贵的手術才能救他,但是没有一个人愿意借钱给他们。  她听到爸爸对满含泪水的妈妈说:“现在只有奇迹才能救他了。”小女孩走进了她的卧室,把她的钱从藏钱的地方拿出来,仔细地数,然后匆匆忙忙地去了一家药店。  “你想要什么?”售货员问。“是给我弟弟买的。”女孩回答道,“他真的病得很重。我想买一个奇迹。”“什么
As a junior school student, I think that life here is interesting and colourful.  Why do I say like this? In our spare time, we always take an active part in sports so that we can build up our body. A