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唐初设馆修史成为定制之后,修前代史和修国史作为朝政大事受到政府以至整个社会的普遍承认,确立了一套制度,在纂修前朝史上保证了记载的连续不断,而且在纂修本朝史方面准备了丰富史料。正是史馆制度的确立,为唐以后各王朝史料的积累奠定了基础,为我们今天研究历史留下了大量的材料。 In the early Tang Dynasty, when the history of the museum was established as a custom, the pre-modern history and the history of the revision of the history of the Chinese nation were generally recognized by the government and even the entire society as a major event in the administration of the state and a set of systems was established. In the course of compiling the history, the history was guaranteed to be continuous and recorded Xiuben Korean history prepared a wealth of historical data. It is the establishment of the system of historian museums that laid the foundation for the accumulation of historical materials of the dynasties after the Tang Dynasty and left a great deal of material for our study of history today.
TiO2 thin films were fabricated by RF magnetron sputtering on titanium substrates and then implanted with different amounts of carbon. The microstructure, valen
美国科罗拉多州贝索特的特级幼儿教师珍妮弗·丽妮在女儿出生后不久就开始念书给她听。起初女儿用嘴巴啃书皮,把口水滴到书页上,珍妮弗对此非但不介意,还让她抱着书 Jennife
Ablation under oxyacetylene torch with heat flux of 4186.8(10%kW/m2 for 20 s was performed to evaluate the ablation resistance of C/C-SiC composites fabricated
分析了影响移动电话二次消费的通话资费标准、服务价格等,提出了应加速移动电话新业务的开发和推广。构建优质网络,从而实现移动通信企业整体效益的持续提高。 Analyzed the i
表扬孩子做出的努力  必须让孩子坚信自己的智力是自己掌控的,通过努力可以加以提高。所以成人在夸奖孩子时应该注重表扬孩子的努力,例如:“你很用功,做得不错!”,而不是说“你真聪明”。要夸奖孩子时还应该夸奖他克服困难的勇气和毅力。当然所有的表扬必须是真实的和真心的,而不是毫无原由或者是为了讨好孩子,这样会适得基反。告诉孩子有付出就会有收获  给孩子找出学习的榜样,以他人经历中的真实故事来启发、激励孩子