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20世纪 80年代末至 90年代初 ,是中国粮油学会油脂专业分会发展壮大的重要时期 ,其标志是分会发展了一大批个人会员与团体会员。为充分发挥会员的作用 ,让会员有机会参加学会组织的活动 ,了解学会的工作 ,经分会常务理事会决定在各地组建联络站 ,并将团体会员划分为南北两片 ,学会不定期地分别召开南北两片团体会员会议。 1 991年 1 0月 2 5日 ,分会在哈尔滨召开了北方片团体会员座谈会 ,会上我作了“学会工作要认真做到依靠团体会员、服务团体会员”的讲话。 1 3年过去了 ,分会在依靠和服务团体会员方面做了许多工作 ,受到了大家的好评 ,但认真检查一下还有许多不足之处。现在 ,我将原文发表 ,目的在于今后分会工作一定要着眼于更好地为团体会员服务 ,我们要把对团体会员服务得好与差 ,作为衡量学会工作搞得好坏的重要标志。在此 ,我希望团体会员单位要经常向学会提出服务的意见与要求 ,使学会为团体会员服务更有针对性。 From the late 1980s to the early 1990s, it was an important period for the grease division of the China Cereals and Oils Association to grow and develop. The sign was that the club developed a large number of individual members and group members. To give full play to the role of members, so that members have the opportunity to participate in activities organized by the Institute to understand the work of the Institute, the Standing Council of the branch decided to set up contact points in various places, and group members are divided into two north-south, learn from time to time were held North and South two groups membership meeting. On January 25, 1991, the branch held a forum for members of the Northern Film Group in Harbin. At the conference, I made a speech on “I must earnestly rely on group members and service group members to learn how to work.” After three years have passed, the club has done a great deal of work in relying on and serving its members, and it has been well received by all, but there are many pitfalls to scrutinizing it. Now, I will publish the original text. The purpose is that the future branch work must focus on serving the members of the community better. We should regard the good and bad service of the community members as an important measure to make the work done well. At this point, I hope group member units should always give advice and requests for service, so that the society can provide more targeted service for group members.
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