
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jia729508703
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Objective: To determine the time course of brain atrophy during treatment with once- weekly IM interferon β - 1a (IFNβ - 1a). Methods: The MRI cohort (n = 386) of the European IFNβ - 1a dose comparison study in relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS)- was analyzed. In addition to baseline and three annual scans, a frequent subgroup (n = 138) had two scans before treatment initiation and scans at months 4, 5, 6, 10, and 11. Brain parenchymal fraction (BPF), a normalized measure of whole- brain atrophy, and volume of Gd- enhancing lesions (T1Gd) and T2 hyperintense lesions (T2LL) were evaluated. Results: BPF decrease was - 0.686% (first year), - 0.377% (second year), and - 0.378% (third year). Analysis of the frequent subgroup showed that 68% of the first- year BPF decrease occurred during the first 4 months of treatment. This change was paralleled by a drop in T1Gd and T2LL. In the frequent subgroup, an annualized atrophy rate was determined by a regression slope for the pretreatment period and from month 4 of treatment onward. Annualized pretreatment rate (- 1.06% ) was significantly higher than the under- treatment rate (- 0.33% ). Conclusions: In the first year of treatment with anti- inflammatory agents, atrophy measurements are possibly confounded by resolution of inflammatory edema or more remote effects of previous damage to the CNS. The atrophy rate reduction observed after treatment month 4 may reflect a beneficial but partial effect of interferon β - 1a and was sustained over the 3- year study period. Methods: The MRI cohort (n = 386) of the European IFNβ - 1a dose comparison study in relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS) -was analyzed. In addition to baseline and three annual scans, a frequent subgroup (n = 138) had two scans before treatment initiation and scans at months 4, 5, 6, 10, and 11. Brain parenchymal fraction Results: BPF decrease was - 0.686% (first year), -0.377% (second year), a normalized measure of whole-brain atrophy, and volume of Gd- enhancing lesions (T1Gd) and T2 hyperintense lesions ), and - 0.378% (third year). Analysis of the frequent subgroup was shown that 68% of the first-year BPF occurred occurred during the first 4 months of treatment. This change was paralleled by a drop in T1Gd and T2LL. In the frequent subgroup, an annualized atrophy rate was determined by a regression slope for the pretreatment perio d and from month 4 of treatment onward. Annualized pretreatment rate (- 1.06%) was significantly higher than the under-treatment rate (-0.33%). Conclusions: In the first year of treatment with anti- inflammatory agents, atrophy measurements are confounded by resolution of inflammatory edema or more remote effects of previous damage to the CNS. The atrophy rate reduced observed after treatment month 4 may reflect a beneficial but partial effect of interferon beta - 1a and was sustained over the 3- year study period.
近日,南昌市西湖区人大常委会组织部分人大代表,深入该区桃花镇各中小学校视察校园标准化建设情况。长期以来,城市发展优先于农村。桃花镇作为城区管辖的乡镇, Recently, th
[摘要]现在不提倡说差生,但是在教学活动中总是不同程度地存在着不同层次的学生,这一直是困扰着教师教育教学的一个问题。在素质教育思想的引导下,我们不得不对班上的那一部分跟不上大多数同学脚步的学生进行研究和辅导,分析他们非智力因素造成的原因,用我们语文老师的人品、学识和特有的气度来影响他,用我们真诚的爱来感化他。不说成绩能进步多少,至少能让他有学习的勇气和信心。  [关键词]爱 “差生” 非权利性影响