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立井混合作业是近几年来在我国发展较快的一种新的立井掘砌作业方式。这种作业方式主要特点是永久支护与临时支护合为一体,随井筒工面推进而及时支护,作业安全、施工管理简单、成井速度较快、经济效益好。据资料介绍,我国从五十年代开始在个别井筒中使用这种方式打井,七十年代后在红工、鸡西、七台河等矿区一批井筒中采用这种方式打井,目前成井速度为40至50米,使用比重已从1982年前的15%,上升到40%左右,最高月成井为七台河新兴风井111米。目前,国外也普遍使用这种方式打井,苏联比重占80%以上,最高月成井达220米。这种作业方式混凝土井壁紧跟井筒工作面,其间距在我国1.5~4米左右,这样,井筒工作面放炮对混凝土初凝是否有影响?影 Vertical shaft mixing operation is a new type of vertical shaft digging operation method that has developed rapidly in China in recent years. The main features of this mode of operation are that the permanent support and the temporary support are integrated into one body, and they are supported in time with the advancement of the wellbore work surface. The operation safety, the construction management is simple, the well completion speed is high, and the economic benefits are good. According to information, China began drilling wells in individual wells in the 1950s. After the 1970s, wells were drilled in batches of wells in the Honggong, Jixi and Qitaihe mining areas. From 40 to 50 meters, the use ratio has risen from 15% before 1982 to about 40%, and the highest monthly well is 111 meters from Qitaihe emerging wind tunnel. At present, wells are commonly used in foreign countries to drill wells. The Soviet Union accounted for more than 80% of the total, and the highest monthly wells reached 220 meters. In this way, the concrete well wall follows the well face, and its spacing is about 1.5 to 4 meters in China. In this way, whether the shot surface of the wellbore can affect the initial setting of the concrete?
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全澳华人专家学者联合会(Federationof Chinese Scholars in Australia,英文缩写为FOCSA,以下简称为“联合会)于2004年10月9日在澳大利亚首都堪培拉宣告成立。其时正逢中澳建