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  Americans like to have different kinds of parties such as birthday parties, surprise parties, tea parties and house■warming parties. Pajama parties are one of the most popular kinds of parties in the US. At a pajama party, a group of friends spend the night at a person’s house. It is a great way for children or teenagers to get together and have a good time.
  To hold a pajama party, the host will usually plan some fun activities such as watching movies, playing board games and video games. He or she should also prepare some delicious food like pizza. Guests at a pajama party should bring their own pajamas, toothbrushes, pillows and blankets2. But if they forget something, they don’t need to worry because the host will give them what they need.
The taco is a traditional3 Mexican dish. It is a tortilla4 with some filling5, such as beef, chicken, and vegetables. A tortilla is a Mexican pancake6 made with corn. You only need to fold7 the tortil
本期点评名师  张超 男,河北省衡水市阜城县第四中学高级英语教师,市英语优秀教师,县骨干教师。从事英语教育教学工作31年。多年来,在《中学生英语》《学英语》《英语周报》《中学生英语读写》《中学英语园地》《英语辅导》《校园英语》等省级以上报刊发表文章数百篇,并有多篇论文获奖。曾参与高中版教辅资料《天天向上》《三维方案》的编写工作,并荣获“中央教育科学研究所全国基础教育科研先进个人”荣誉称号。多次辅导
Have you ever wondered...  你有没有想过……  Do potatoes see with their eyes?  马铃薯也是用眼睛看世界的吗?  Where did potatoes come from?  马铃薯是从哪里来的?  What country produces the most potatoes?  哪个国家生产马铃薯最多?  What is your f
One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods from door to door found that he only had one dime (角) left. He was hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at the next
摘要:高峰体验可以使学生受到莫大的鼓舞,刺激他们的潜意识,充分去挖掘他们的潜能。教师在教学中要提倡以人为本,以学生发展为宗旨的教学理念,联系社会生活,贴近学生实际,让学生的发展达到最大化。  关键词:高峰体验;兴趣;感悟;赏识  文章编号:1008-0546(2012)06-0033-02    中图分类号:G633.8    文献标识码:B  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-05
摘要:用Excel可高效处理学生成绩,介绍了表格的设计、相关公式的使用和模板的制作。  关键词:Excel 公式 模板  中图分类号: G434 文献标识码: B 文章编号:1002-2422(2008)01-0035-02    1 表格设计    工作簿中设计三个工作表,第一个工作表为参数设置工作表。不同的课程考勤成绩、作业成绩、考试成绩占综合成绩的比例不同,缺席一次所扣分数也会不同
趙小辉  出生日期:2005年8月12日  爱好:打网球  座右铭:Lost time is never found again.  光阴一去不复返。  就读学校班级:山东省梁山县杨营中学七(2)班  指导教师:于莹  When I finished my study in primary school, I had to face hard choices. One was to stay at
文章编号:1008-0546(2010)02-0038-03中图分类号:G632.41文献标识码:B  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-0546.2010.02.017    笔者执教初三(沪教版)新教材已有四年多,其间认真学习了新大纲和新教材,也参阅了不少有关新大纲、新教材的研讨文章,又连续听了校内外多位化学教师的授课和参加多次省市区关于新教材的培训,颇受启发,自感有很多体会欲与
Since I went to middle school, I have met a lot of interesting friends, and most of them are my classmates. Though we are from different areas and share different interests, we are a group and make pr
摘要:《化学1》识记性知识的过多集中,教和学的时间的紧缩,教学过程中有必要采取默写的检测手段。作者对学生《铝》的默写中的错误进行了深刻的反思,通过学生自主实验和小组学习的形式进行了补救。学生在实验中动手能力、思维能力得到了锻炼,学习积极性得到了提高。  关键词:默写;铝;反思  文章编号:1008-0546(2012)05-0052-02 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  d