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一、由来和认识经营林业的根本目的是在永续利用各种林业资源前提下,充分发挥森林的社会、经济、生态效益的同步性。多少年来,林业工作者从理论、实践上不断探索三大效益的最佳和同步的协调,遗憾的是往往顾此失彼。根本原因是把林业孤立于整个自然资源整体功能圈之外,重视单纯森林,忽视多层次的林业。我国是合理经营森林的发源地,早在二千多年前战国时《孟子》中就有斧斤以时进山林,林木不可胜用也“公元六世纪著名农书《齐民要术》中也有:种植杨树、岁种三十亩,三年九十亩,一年卖三十亩,周而复始,永世无穷”可说是最早的永续轮伐学说,比欧州出现的轮伐作业还早800年,在原木计量上,我国十七世纪就出现了著名的《龙泉价码》比世界第一个原木材积表还早300年。国外经营森林到十八世纪,维贝尔才提出森林采伐量和生长量平衡的永续理论,而法正林的学说到十八世纪才臻于完善。 First, the origin and understanding of the fundamental purpose of running forestry is to give full play to the synchronicity of the social, economic and ecological benefits of forests on the premise of sustainable use of various forestry resources. Over the years, forestry workers have been constantly exploring the best and simultaneous coordination of the three major benefits from theory and practice, and regrettably often fail to do so. The fundamental reason is that the forestry is isolated from the overall functional circle of the whole natural resources. The emphasis is on pure forests and on the multi-level forestry. Our country is the birthplace of the rational management of forests. As early as two thousand years ago in the Warring States Period, “Mencius” had an ax in the mountains and forests were unmanageable. “The famous agricultural book Qi Min Yao Shu of the 6th century” There are also: planting poplar, thirty mu of old, nine years of ninety acres, selling thirty acres a year, endlessly, forever “can be said that the earliest permanent rotation theory, than the European rotation cropping operations As early as 800 years ago, in the measurement of logs, the famous ”Longquan code" appeared in the seventeenth century in our country more than 300 years earlier than the world’s first logbook. In the eighteenth century, Vibert proposed a sustainable theory of the balance between the amount of forest harvesting and the growth, while the theory of Fachin was only perfect until the eighteenth century.
一、征文目的以集世界各国桥梁设计、施工中的优秀作品 ,为全国桥梁设计与施工人员提供丰富的、多层次的宝贵资料。为 2 1世纪中国桥梁设计、建设与发展提供高标准 ,为专业技
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