
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robertruntian
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Aims: The aims of this study were to: 1. Investigate retinal changes associated with type 2 membrano proliferative glo-merulonephritis (type 2 MPGN). 2. Assess whether there was a relationship between the severity of the kidney disease and ophthalmoscopically visible fundal changes. 3. Find out if renal transplantation was linked with visual deterioration. 4. Decide if patients with type 2 MPGN need to be referred for ophthalmological assessment. Methods: The patients were identified from pathology department records as having renal biopsy proven type 2 MPGN from January 1981 to October 2003. Patients were invited to attend for ophthalmic assessment. Results: A total of 26 biopsy proven cases of type 2 MPGN were identified. One patient lost vision from a possible occult choroidal neovascular membrane. The extent of ocular involvement did not consistently appear to be related to the severity of the renal involvement, although there was a relationship between the presence of ocular lesions and the duration of the disease. The longer the disease was present the more likely the patients were to have ophthalmoscopically visible fundal changes. Renal transplantation did not appear to have a detrimental effect on vision with the possible exception of one patient. Conclusion: Referral of type 2 MPGN patients by the renal physician for an initial ophthalmological assessment may be beneficial so that symptoms of choroidal neovascularization can be explained and patients advised to seek urgent help if distortion of central vision occurs. Renal transplantation does not appear to be a risk factor for the development of choroidal neovascularmembranes. Aims: The aims of this study were to: 1. Investigate retinal changes associated with type 2 membrano proliferative glo-merulonephritis (type 2 MPGN). 2. Assess whether there was a relationship between the severity of the kidney disease and ophthalmoscopically visible fundal changes . 3. Find out if renal transplantation was linked with visual deterioration. 4. Decide if patients with type 2 MPGN need to be referred for ophthalmological assessment. Methods: The patients were identified from pathology department records as having renal biopsy proven type 2 MPGN from January 1981 to October 2003. Patients were invited to attend for ophthalmic assessment. Results: A total of 26 biopsy proven cases of type 2 MPGN were identified. One patient lost vision from a possible occult choroidal neovascular membrane. The extent of ocular involvement did not not consistently appear to be related to the severity of the renal involvement, although there was a relationship between the presence of ocular lesio ns and the duration of the disease. The longer the disease was present the more likely the patients were to have ophthalmoscopically visible fundal changes. Renal transplantation did not appear to have a detrimental effect on vision with the possible exception of one patient. of type 2 MPGN patients by the renal physician for an initial ophthalmological assessment may be so so symptoms of choroidal neovascularization can be explained and patients advised to seek urgent help if distortion of central vision occurs. Renal transplantation does not appear to be a risk factor for the development of choroidal neovascular membranes.
摘 要: 文化与语言密不可分已经是学界的共识,文化在外语教学中的重要性也得到了广泛认可与重视。为了有效地进行文化教学探索,法国教学法专家Galisson对文化作了知识文化和大众共有的区分,并提出了通过词汇学习日常文化的观点。大众共有文化词的内涵和特点,使其对法语教学实践有重要的启发意义。  关键词: 大众共有文化词 文化教学 文化内涵  大众共有文化词的法语原文是les mots à charge