Vibration analysis of a new polymer quartz piezoelectric crystal sensor for detecting characteristic

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:OPOPO11211
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We present a new polymer quartz piezoelectric crystal sensor that takes a quartz piezoelectric crystal as the basal material and a nanometer nonmetallic polymer thin film as the surface coating based on the principle of quartz crystal microbalance(QCM). The new sensor can be used to detect the characteristic materials of a volatile liquid. A mechanical model of the new sensor was built, whose structure was a thin circle plate composing of polytef/quartz piezoelectric/polytef. The mechanical model had a diameter of 8 mm and a thickness of 170 μm. The vibration state of the model was simulated by software ANSYS after the physical parameters and the boundary condition of the new sensor were set. According to the results of experiments, we set up a frequency range from 9.995850 MHz to 9.997225 MHz, 17 kinds of frequencies and modes of vibration were obtained within this range. We found a special frequency fspof 9.996358 MHz. When the resonant frequency of the new sensor’s mechanical model reached the special frequency, a special phenomenon occurred. In this case, the amplitude of the center point O on the mechanical model reached the maximum value. At the same time, the minimum absolute difference between the simulated frequency based on the ANSYS software and the experimental measured stable frequency was reached. The research showed that the design of the new polymer quartz piezoelectric crystal sensor perfectly conforms to the principle of QCM. A special frequency value fspwas found and subsequently became one of the most important parameters in the new sensor design. We present a new polymer quartz piezoelectric crystal sensor that takes a quartz piezoelectric crystal as the basal material and a nanometer nonmetallic polymer thin film as the surface coating based on the principle of quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). The new sensor can be used to detect A mechanical model of the new sensor was built, whose structure was a thin circle plate composing of polytef / quartz piezoelectric / polytef. The mechanical model had a diameter of 8 mm and a thickness of 170 μm. The vibration state of the model was simulated by software ANSYS after the physical parameters and the boundary condition of the new sensor were set. According to the results of experiments, we set up a frequency range from 9.995850 MHz to 9.997225 MHz, 17 kinds of frequencies and modes of vibration were obtained within this range. We found a special frequency of fspof 9.996358 MHz. When the resonant frequency of the new sensor’s mechanical model reached the special frequency, a hight absolute difference occurred between the center point O on the mechanical model reached the maximum value. At the same time, the minimum absolute difference between the simulated frequency based on the ANSYS software and the experimental measured that stable frequency was reached. The research showed that the design of the new polymer quartz piezoelectric crystal sensor perfectly conforms to the principle of QCM. A special frequency value fspwas found and following became one of the most important parameters in the new sensor design.
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1999年12月27日,中共山东省委书记吴官正同志致信本刊,向全省理论工作者提出要求。全文如下: On December 27, 1999, Comrade Wu Guanzheng, secretary of the CPC Shandong