Two types of fish silage and its use in fish feed

来源 :海洋水产研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pobomud1
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Formic acid silages were prepared from fresh and cooked sprat and squid viscera.Two types of silage were stored at 6,13,20,25,30 and 39℃ for 32 days.Raw material and silage in fresh and after 1,2,3,4,8,16 and 32 days of storage were analyzed.The dry matter,protein,fat and ash in silage reflected the composition of the raw material and were not affected by the different storage temperatures and times.Neither was there any change in amino acid contents.The degree of hydrolysis varied with the temperatures under which the silages were stored and were low in silage than in their aquatic phase respectively.The silages made from cooked raw material showed no changes in hydrolysis during storage.Five diets,in which the including levels of squid offal silage for replacing fish meal as protein resource were 0,5%,10%,20%,30% respectively,were formulated for puffer and flounder growth experiments.The results showed that exchanging part of dietary fish meal with silage improved the growth performance of fish. Formic acid silages were prepared from fresh and cooked sprat and squid viscera.Two types of silage were stored at 6, 13, 20, 25, 30 and 39 ° C for 32 days. Raw material and silage in fresh and after 1,2,3 , 4, 8, 16 and 32 days of storage were analyzed. The dry matter, protein, fat and ash in silage reflected the composition of the raw material and were not affected by the different storage temperatures and times. Neither was there any change in amino acid contents.The degree of hydrolysis varied with the temperatures under which the silages were stored and were low in silage than in aquatic phase respectively. silages made from cooked raw material showed no changes in hydrolysis during storage .Five diets, in which the including levels of squid offal silage for replacing fish meal as protein resource were 0,5%, 10%, 20%, 30% respectively respectively, were formulated for puffer and flounder growth experiments. The results showed that exchanging part of dietary fish meal with silage improved the growth perfor mance of fish.
摘 要:本文以Andre Lefevere操控理论作为理论支撑,从操控论三要素之一的赞助人因素出发,选取清末民初侦探小说的翻译作为研究对象,力求对当时产生的特殊的翻译热潮做出合理解释。  关键词:赞助人 侦探小说 翻译    一、Lefevere操控论与赞助人  根据Andre Lefevere提出的操控理论,翻译活动始终受三个因素的制约:意识形态、诗学、和赞助人。意识形态指特定社会中占主导地位的
电气化铁路的建设中需要由架空电缆来给电器机车进行供电,而电缆和电气机车之间需要通过受电弓来进行弹性连接。为了延长受电弓和受电弹片的使用寿命,一般采用分段 In the c