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福建省莆田市是大陆距离台湾最近的港口城市,又是著名的海上女神妈祖的故乡,去台人员多,前来朝拜妈祖、旅游探亲的台胞多,两岸经贸合作与文化交流多.今年6月,江泽民主席曾来莆田视察.几年来,这座古府新市注重抓好“软”“硬”环境建设,继1989年建成方便台胞探亲商贸、旅游购物的“台湾街”后,去年又投资100O多万元兴建“台湾大酒店”和台胞接待站,并开辟三个台轮停靠点,实行台胞落地签证制度,还新建一座3000吨位对台客运码头.凡此种种,使莆田市在台胞心目中的位置不断上升,往来台胞数量不断增加、层次明显提高、回头率逐渐加大.去年,莆田市接待前来投资考察、探亲旅游的台胞近9万人次(不含直达湄洲岛朝拜妈祖的香客10万人次),其中不乏台湾政要、工商巨子和文化名人.一 Putian City, Fujian Province, is the hometown of mainland China’s closest port city to Taiwan and the hometown of the famous sea goddess Mazu. Many people went to Taiwan to visit Mazu, visit Taiwan compatriots in tourism, and cross-strait economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchanges are many. In the past month, President Jiang Zemin visited Putian. In recent years, this ancient capital city has paid special attention to the construction of a “soft” and “hard” environment. Following the establishment of “Taiwan Street” in 1989 that allowed Taiwanese compatriots to visit businesses, travel and shop, Invested 100 million yuan to build “Taiwan Hotel” and the Taiwan compatriots reception station, and opened up three Tai Lun stops, the implementation of the Taiwan compatriots landing visa system, but also a new 3000 tonnage of Taiwan Ferry Terminal. All these make Putian In the eyes of the Taiwan compatriots, the number of Taiwan compatriots has been on the rise, the number of Taiwan compatriots has been steadily increasing, and the levels have been remarkably improved. The number of compatriots in Taiwan has gradually increased since last year. Putian City received nearly 90,000 Taiwan compatriots who visited the country for tourism visits last year. Meizhou Island worshipers Mazu pilgrims 100,000), many of whom are Taiwan’s political leaders, business tycoons and cultural celebrities.
We present a new sense amplifier circuit for EEPROM memory. The topology of the sense amplifier uses a voltage sensing method,having low cost and low power cons
安徽省歌舞团艺术指导、一级作曲梅滨同志,因患癌症,医治无效,于一九八九年五月十一日二十一时在合肥逝世,终年六十八岁。 Anhui Provincial Song and Dance Ensemble Art
<正> 据苏联《哲学科学》杂志1990年第5期报道,苏联哲学史家米哈依尔·特里福诺维奇·约夫丘克于1990年1月9日去世,终年82岁。约夫丘克是苏联著名的俄国哲学史专家,哲学博士,苏联科学院通讯院士,高级研究员,曾是苏共中央社会科学学院院长。1908年11月19日出生在白俄罗斯一个农民家庭。1926年入党,