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  The Image Beyond an Image, the Scene Beyond a Scene
  欣赏诗歌的过程中所产生的文本形象之外的第二艺术形象,是读者经联想产生的精神意象。前一个“象”、“景”指诗歌作品中直接描写的物象和景象, 后一个“象”、“景”则是指由此引发读者多方面联想所营造出的新的意象和意境。由道家与《周易》关于“言”(语言)、“意”(思想或意义)、“象”(象征某种深意的具体形象)三者关系的学说发展而来。魏晋至唐代的诗学倡导“象外之象,景外之景”,旨在追求文本之外的精神蕴涵和意象之美。这一术语同时也表现了中华民族的艺术趣味与审美境界。
  Readers of poetry create images and scenes in their minds based on what they are reading. These are the readers’ imaginations based on what is depicted in the poems. The term comes from Daoist theories about the relationships between discourses, ideas or meanings, and images that symbolize profound meaning in The Book of Changes. From the Wei, Jin to the Tang Dynasty, poetry critics sought “the image beyond an image, the scene beyond a scene” in order to pursue the spiritual implications and the beauty of images that are beyond textual descriptions. This term gives expression to the artistic and aesthetic(审美的)tastes and ideals of the Chinese nation.
  引例 Citations:
  The imagery of poets is like the sunshine warming Lantian so that fine jades under its ground issue smoke: They can be seen from afar but not observed right before your eyes. The image beyond an image, the scene beyond a scene—are they not simply beyond words! (Sikong Tu: Letter to Wang Jipu)
  That which makes a poem a poem is a poetic appeal beyond the image, an image beyond the words and words saying things beyond their meaning.(PengLu: Preface to Collected Poems of Peng Lu)
  Trustworthy Words May Not Be Fine-sounding; Fine-sounding Words May Not Be Trustworthy.
  To address the extravagance(奢侈,过度)in social mores(风俗)and in the style of writing of his time, Laozi advocated simple and natural lifestyles and literary presentations. During the Wei and Jin dynasties, men of letters valued natural and simple literary styles and were opposed to extravagant and superficial styles. This line of thought led to the emergence of great poets like Tao Yuanming, and shaped literary writings to reflect direct thoughts and natural expressions. Subsequently, ancient Chinese literature and art took simplicity and naturalness as the highest aesthetic standards.
  引例 Citations:
  Trustworthy words may not be fine-sounding; finesounding words may not be trustworthy. A kind-hearted person may not be an eloquent(能言善辩的)speaker; a glib(能说会道的)person is often not kind. (Laozi)
  Laozi detested pretense, so he said, “Flowery rhetoric words may not be trustworthy.” However, the 5,000-word Dao De Jing (another name of Laozi) he wrote is not only profound in ideas but reads beautifully. That means he was not opposed to writings using fine words. (Liu Xie: The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons)
一直以來,是否主动放弃那些医学上被判无望的生命,始终是个尖锐的话题。其实,对生命的感悟永远是因人而异的。作者的母亲在两度中风后难有康复希望,然而就在陪伺至亲的看似绝望的日子里,作者不仅被母亲的坚强乐观所鼓舞,也在亲情与爱的光辉中心灵受洗,对生命的意义有了更多的思索。  I was holding her hand and singing softly to her when the man in
提名NOMINATION  朱志文提名理由  以自行车为载体,慢行看世界。骑行本身在大部分时间里是很无趣的,但通过这种方式去相遇更多未知和有趣的事物与灵魂,骑行也便丰满了很多。对于朱志文,环球骑行是目标、是心愿,却不设具体计划,他随心、即兴,念过往但不惧将来,一路跌跌撞撞骑行穿越四大洲、40国,行程近6万公里,此刻他仍在路上。  我是朱志文,来自江西瑞金,一名单车环球旅行者。2012年5月1日,从
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摘 要:“科学·英语整合课程的目标是激发青少年学生早期对科学和英语的兴趣,帮助教师以一种既有趣又有效的方式引导学生用英语学习科学。” 科学·英语整合教学承载着这样的教学目标,对双语教师的教学素养提出了双重要求,既要具备科学学科教学素养还要具备英语语言运用素养。当前,教师对课堂教学的语言认知和运用成为影响教学成败的核心问题,本文旨在探究在科学·英语整合教学的初级实验阶段,从事科学·英语整合课堂教学的