Temperature-Dependent Photoluminescence Characteristics of InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Directly Grown on

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The first operation of an electrically pumped 1.3μm InAs/GaAs quantum-dot laser was previously reported epitaxially grown on Si(100) substrate.Here the direct epitaxial growth condition of 1.3-μm InAs/GaAs quantum on a Si substrate is further investigated using atomic force microscopy,etch pit density and temperature-dependent photoluminescence(PL) measurements.The PL for Si-based InAs/GaAs quantum dots appears to be very sensitive to the initial GaAs nucieation temperature and thickness with strongest room-temperature emission at 400℃(170nm nucieation layer thickness),due to the lower density of defects generated under this growth condition,and stronger carrier confinement within the quantum dots. The first operation of an electrically pumped 1.3 μm InAs / GaAs quantum-dot laser was previously reported epitaxially grown on Si (100) substrate. Here the direct epitaxial growth condition of 1.3-μm InAs / GaAs quantum on a Si substrate is further incorporated using atomic force microscopy, etch pit density and temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) measurements. PL for Si-based InAs / GaAs quantum dots appears to be very sensitive to the initial GaAs nucieation temperature and thickness with strongest room-temperature emission at 400 ° C (170 nm nucieation layer thickness), due to the lower density of defects generated under this growth condition, and stronger carrier confinement within the quantum dots.
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