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斯蒂芬·克莱恩是19世纪末美国历史上著名的小说家,在美国文坛有着极大的影响力,虽然其写作生涯非常短暂,但是创作了众多的优秀作品。目前,学界对于斯蒂芬·克莱恩的研究主要集中在其作品中所表现出来的自然主义、宗教情结、象征主义以及成长类主题等方面,很少从其文学语言的艺术特色方面着手,本文将以小说《红色英勇勋章》为例,从修辞手法、反讽艺术以及象征主义三个方面,来浅析斯蒂芬·克莱恩文学语言的幽默性。 Stephen Klein, the famous novelist in the history of the United States in the late 19th century, had a great influence in the American literary world. Although his writing career was very short, he created many excellent works. At present, the research on Stephen Klein mainly focuses on the aspects of naturalism, religious complex, symbolism and the theme of growth shown in his works, and rarely starts from the artistic features of his literary language. The case of Red Bravery Medal, as an example, analyzes the humorousness of Stephen Kline’s literary language from three aspects: rhetoric, ironic art and symbolism.
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