得益绿证培训 结缘旱藕致富——记山东省桓台县农广校绿证学员刘庆强

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山东省恒台县农民刘庆强与旱藕结缘始于1999年。那年春天,曾干过农村生产队长、当过建筑包工队长的刘庆强通过参加农广校举办的“绿色证书”培训班学习后,产生了一个大胆的设想:在旱地上挖沟建池,注入自来水,将原本在池塘里生产的莲藕移到旱地上。他认为,此举既可以防止莲藕产品受污水污染, Liu Qingqiang farmers in Hengtai County, Shandong Province, and the lotus root knot began in 1999. That spring, Liu Qingqiang, who had been the captain of a rural production team and the captain of a construction contractor, had a bold idea after he attended the “Green Certificate” training class organized by the Guangxi Agricultural University: digging ditches and building pools in the dry land, Tap water, the original lotus root production in the pond to the dry land. In his opinion, this measure can prevent the lotus root products from being polluted by the sewage,
由GB/T 1800.3—1998《极限与配合 基础 第3部分:标准公差与基本偏差数值表》所确定的孔的基本偏差数值,与由(已被代替的)GB/T 1800—1979《公差与配合 总论 标准公差与基本
用得天独厚来形容杨恭如的美貌,相信最合适不过了。她天生爱吃爱睡,但不论怎么吃怎么睡,都无须为减肥操心。这让各位靠节食来维持身段的“美女”好生羡慕! With uniqueness
A comprehensive assessment of man-made impact on the environment is much kept behind because of missing unified systems of environmental monitoring. They repres
In order to enhance the road capacity and guarantee the commodity transportation to Tibet, the Ministry of Communications conducted renovation and rebuilding of
因灵芝饮料有增强人体免疫功能、改善机体微循环、调整营养平衡 ,对肿瘤等疑难病有预防和辅助治疗的作用 ,故灵芝饮料的开发生产前景广、效益佳。现将制作要点介绍如下 :1 
中国加入WTO ,广东将成为外资零售企业抢滩内地的首选地 ,实力雄厚的外商进入将使广东零售市场竞争格局发生显著变化 ,本土零售企业只有从战略、组织、技术流程三个层次上不
据全景网络消息 ,在6月6日至7日于北京召开的“北京2000中国互联网创业与风险投资大会”上 ,四川天歌科技集团股份有限公司(0509)董事长邹昌浩称将与CIG合作 ,构建B2C电子商务的第三方物流。据悉