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“本人之所以有如此雅兴,或者说是‘怪癖’,从小处说是长期担任语文教师养成的愚夫子职业习惯;从大处讲,是想为关爱和维护母语的纯洁性做些力所能及的工作。”这是2013年第11期《语文月刊》所刊《母语清浊兴衰人人责无旁贷》一文中的一句话。文章作者自称喜欢给各种媒体指错,原因之一是自己长期担任语文 “The reason why I have such a Masamune, or that is, ’quirks’, from a young age is a long time as a language teacher to develop the habit of stupid masters; from the big talk, is to care for and maintain the purity of the native language can do something ”This is a sentence from the article titled“ The Voice of the Mother Tongue Voiced by the Renaissance and Failure of Everyone ”published in the 11th issue of the Chinese Language Monthly in 2013. Article authors claim to like to give wrong sorts to various media, one of the reasons is their own long-term language
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Water demand increases continuously with an increasing population and economic development. As a result, the difference between water supply and demand becomes
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