
来源 :河北果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangcongzhi
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苹果树腐烂病,是目前果树生产上为害最严重的一种病害。多年来,对该病进行了大量的研究工作,基本上摸清了该病的发生及侵染规律,并提出了一些相应的防治措施,但是,由于树龄和品种的不同,其染病程度也各异。尤其近几年,大批新品种不断引进和育成,其感病程度如何尚无系统研究报道。为此对生长在同一条件下,7—9年生的16个品种的感病情况进行了调查,供生产上参考。经过连续三年的调查结果(表1),可分3种类型:即第一类为易感病品种,包括 Apple tree rot disease, is currently the most harmful to the production of fruit trees a disease. Over the years, the disease carried out a lot of research work, basically find out the occurrence of the disease and the law of infection, and put forward some corresponding control measures, however, due to the different ages and varieties, the extent of the disease different. Especially in recent years, a large number of new varieties continue to introduce and bred, how the extent of the disease there is no systematic study reported. To this growth of the same conditions, 7-9 years of the 16 varieties of susceptibility were investigated for the production of reference. After three consecutive years of survey results (Table 1), there are three types: the first one is susceptible varieties including
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在2004年8月欧洲心脏会议上报道一种新的抗心律失常药物Dronedarone 决奈达隆。心律失常经常困扰不少患者和医生,特别是胺碘酮 Cordarone的临床应用,因为它对不少的室性期前