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磷化工业产生的大量废渣磷石膏污染环境、占用土地,尚未得到很好的治理和利用。文章研究磷石膏废渣资源化利用,探索其对小麦田氧化亚氮(N_2O)排放以及小麦生长以及产量的影响。结果表明:施用不同量的磷石膏废渣对小麦生长、产量以及麦田N_2O的排放量的影响有所不同。施用磷石膏2 100 kg/hm~2对小麦千粒重以及产量等都有显著影响,可增产达48.11%。同时在整个小麦生长季,与单施有机肥处理相比,施用磷石膏废渣2 100 kg/hm~2可减少麦田N_2O排放量达30.14%,且减排作用具有持续性,在小麦的拔节期、抽穗期以及灌浆期的减排效果尤为显著。与之相比施用磷石膏1050 kg/hm~2的各项效果都比较微弱。研究还表明施用45%复合肥900 kg/hm~2虽然也促进小麦生长,增加小麦产量,但在整个生长季会显著增加N_2O的排放54.70%。在施用磷石膏条件下,小麦的鲜重和产量与麦田N_2O排放呈现显著负相关,与麦田N_2O排放强度呈现显著正相关,即磷石膏在显著促进小麦生长的同时可以显著降低麦田N_2O的排放。以碳交易背景为基础,分析磷石膏减排剂的田经济环境效益,结果表明,施用磷石膏废渣2 100 kg/hm~2,麦田的收入与产出比由1∶9.93提高到1∶17.82,产出增加约79.46%,同时还能够累计减少N_2O的排放达161.71 kg/hm~2。每吨磷石膏废渣可以减少N_2O排放76.48 kg,折合减少CO_2排放22 944 kg,环境收益达到1 140.55元。磷石膏作为减排剂施用,不仅可以减少环境污染,还能促进小麦生长,减少N_2O排放,对发展生态农业并缓解温室效应具有重要的应用价值。 Phosphating industry produces a large number of waste phosphogypsum pollution of the environment, occupation of land, not yet been well managed and utilized. This paper studies the resource utilization of phosphogypsum waste and explores its effect on N2O emission and wheat growth and yield in wheat field. The results showed that the effects of applying different amounts of phosphogypsum residue on the growth and yield of wheat and the emission of N_2O in wheat field were different. The application of phosphogypsum 2 100 kg / hm ~ 2 had a significant effect on 1000-grain weight and yield of wheat, yielding an increase of 48.11%. In the whole wheat growing season, compared with the single application of organic manure, application of 2 100 kg / hm 2 of phosphogypsum waste could reduce the N 2 O emission of wheat field to 30.14% and the emission reduction effect was persistent. During the wheat jointing stage, , Heading date and grain filling stage of the emission reduction effect is particularly significant. Compared with the application of phosphogypsum 1050 kg / hm ~ 2 of the effects are relatively weak. The study also showed that application of 45% compound fertilizer 900 kg / hm ~ 2 promoted wheat growth and increased wheat yield, but significantly increased N2O emission by 54.70% throughout the growing season. Under the condition of applying phosphogypsum, the fresh weight and yield of wheat showed a significant negative correlation with N 2 O emission in wheat field, and had a significant positive correlation with N 2 O emission intensity in wheat field, ie phosphogypsum could significantly reduce N 2 O emission in wheat field while significantly promoting wheat growth. Based on the background of carbon trading, the economic and environmental benefits of phosphogypsum emission reductant were analyzed. The results showed that the application of phosphogypsum waste 2 100 kg / hm ~ 2 increased the ratio of income and output of wheat field from 1:9.93 to 1:17.82 , Output increased about 79.46%, while also reducing N2O emissions totaled 161.71 kg / hm ~ 2. Each tons of phosphogypsum waste can reduce N 2 O 2 emissions by 76.48 kg, equivalent to 22 944 kg reduction of CO 2 emissions and environmental benefits of 1 140.55 yuan. Phosphogypsum, as a kind of emission reducer, can not only reduce the environmental pollution, but also promote the growth of wheat and reduce the emission of N 2 O, which is of great value for the development of ecological agriculture and mitigation of greenhouse effect.
统计数据显示,2012年沪深两市共有44家上市公司受到两大交易所的处分,包括7家沪市公司与37家深市公司。在深市被处分的37家公司中,主板公司21家,中小板公司13家,创业板公司3家。从处分类型看,受到两大交易所公开谴责的公司为9家(沪市7家,深市2家),通报批评的为35家。这说明,去年受到交易所处分的上市公司涵盖了两市的所有板块,也从侧面说明上市公司的违规行为呈现出“普遍性”的特征。  A股市场