来源 :Chinese Medical Sciences Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunshixi2009
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Objective To study the effect of γ-interferon (IFNγ), tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL), and cisplatin or etoposide induced apoptosis in human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y and its possible molecular mechanisms.Methods The expressions of Caspase 8 mRNA and protein were detected with RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. The effects of IFNγ, TRAIL, IFNγ+TRAIL, IFNγ+Caspase 8 inhibitor+TRAIL, IFNγ+cisplatin+TRAIL, and IFNγ+etoposide+TRAIL on the growth and apoptosis of SH-SY5Y cells were detected with the methods of MTT and flow cytometry. The relative Caspase 8 activity was measured with colorimetric assay. Results Caspase 8 was undetectable in SH-SY5Y cells but an increased expression of Caspase 8 mRNA and protein was found after treatment with IFNγ. SH-SY5Y cells themselves were not sensitive to TRAIL, but those expressing Caspase 8 after treatment with IFNγ were. The killing effect of TRAIL on SH-SY5Y cells expressing Caspase 8 was depressed by Caspase 8 inhibitor. Cisplatin and etoposide could enhance the sensitivity of TRAIL on SH-SY5Y cells. The relative Caspase 8 activity of SH-SY5Y cells in IFNγ+TRAIL group was significantly higher than those of control group, IFNγ group, TRAIL group, and inhibitor group (P<0.01). There was no significant difference among IFNγ+TRAIL group, IFNγ+cisplatin+TRAIL group, and IFNγ+etoposide+TRAIL group.Conclusions IFNγ could sensitize SH-SY5Y cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis and this may be realized by the upregulation of Caspase 8. Cisplatin and etoposide could enhance the killing effect of TRAIL on SH-SY5Y cells. Objective To study the effect of γ-interferon (IFNγ), tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL), and cisplatin or etoposide induced apoptosis in human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y and its possible molecular mechanisms. Methods The expressions of Caspase 8 The effects of IFNγ, TRAIL, IFNγ + TRAIL, IFNγ + Caspase 8 inhibitor + TRAIL, IFNγ + cisplatin + TRAIL, and IFNγ + etoposide + TRAIL on the growth and apoptosis of SH-SY5Y cells were detected with the methods of MTT and flow cytometry. The relative Caspase 8 activity was measured with colorimetric assay. Results Caspase 8 was undetectable in SH-SY5Y cells but an increased expression of Caspase 8 mRNA and protein was found after Treatment with IFNγ. SH-SY5Y cells themselves were not sensitive to TRAIL, but those expressing Caspase 8 after treatment with IFNγ were. The killing effect of TRAIL on SH-SY5Y cells expressing Caspase 8 was depressed by Ca The relative activity of the Caspase 8 activity in SH-SY5Y cells in IFNγ + TRAIL group was significantly higher than those of control group, IFNγ group, TRAIL group, and There was no significant difference among IFNγ + TRAIL group, IFNγ + cisplatin + TRAIL group, and IFNγ + etoposide + TRAIL group.Conclusions IFNγ could sensitize SH-SY5Y cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis and this may be realized by the upregulation of Caspase 8. Cisplatin and etoposide could enhance the killing effect of TRAIL on SH-SY5Y cells.
在江苏书画艺术界,有一位著名书法家不仅艺术造诣颇深,书法创作硕果累累,而且情系慈善事业,富有大爱之心。多年以来,他向社会、学校、社区、文博单位尽情奉献浓浓的爱意。这位深受人们尊敬与赞佩的书法名家,就是中国书画研究会副会长、江苏省大众书画院院长,被南京市慈善总会授予“慈善爱心人士”荣誉称号并被聘为南京市慈善总会理事的彭玉香先生。  祖辈们的“扶贫济困”  基因血脉相承  人们都知道“长寿”有着家族的
测试地点:吉林,长白山格锐带着进口现代的霸气进入中国,宽裕的7座大空间和充沛的动力都能够让它在中级SUV市场上争得一席之地 Test Location: Jilin, Changbaishan grid Rui