Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor Grade 1 patients followed up without surgery:Case series

来源 :World Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z306075045
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Among the three grades of neuroendocrine tumors(NETs),the prognosis for Grade 1(G1) with surgery is very good.Therefore,we evaluated the prognoses of pancreatic NET(PNET) G1 patients without surgery.A total of 8 patients who were diagnosed with NET G1,with an observation period of more than 6 mo until surgery or without surgery,were recruited.The patients who underwent surgery were ultimately diagnosed using specimens obtained during the surgery,whereas the patients who did not undergo surgery were diagnosed using specimens obtained by endoscopic ultrasonography-guided fine needle aspiration.Overall,we mainly evaluated the observation period and tumor growth.The observation period for the five cases with surgery ranged from 6-80 mo,and tumor growth was observed in one case.In contrast,the observation period for the three cases without surgery ranged from 17-54 mo,and tumor growth was not observed.Therefore,although the first-choice treatment for NETs is surgery,our experience includes certain NET G1 patients who were followed up without surgery. Among the three grades of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), the prognosis for Grade 1 (G1) with surgery is very good. Herefore, we evaluated the prognoses of pancreatic NET (PNET) G1 patients without surgery. A total of 8 patients who were diagnosed with NET G1, with an observation period of more than 6 mo until surgery or without surgery, were recruited.The patients who underwent surgery were ultimately diagnosed using specimens obtained during the surgery, while the patients who did not undergo surgery were diagnosed using bambones by endoscopic ultrasonography-guided fine needle aspiration. Overall, we primarily evaluated the observation period and tumor growth. The observation period for the five cases with surgery ranged from 6-80 mo, and tumor growth was observed in one case. In contrast, the observation period for the three cases without surgery ranged from 17-54 mo, and tumor growth was not observed.Therefore, although the first-choice treatment for NETs is surgery, our experience includes certain NET G1 patients who were followed up without surgery.
摘要: 注浆技术就是用压送的手段把具有一定的凝胶时间的浆液注入到松散土层或含水岩层裂缝中。使浆液凝结后团结上的颗粒或者充塞岩层裂缝,使土层(岩层)的力学性质和水理性质都得以改善。这种通过注浆来改变地层状况的方法为注浆加固工法,亦称化学注浆或化学注浆。浆液及浆液注入到地层中去的方式是该工法的关键。  关键词: 房屋建筑; 注浆技术;探讨  Abstract: the grouting techniq
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