
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:marine_ogz
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本期特别关注栏目关注的对象是,政府与群众互动热线类广播。自上世纪90年代中期以来,全国广播媒体中的舆论监督、理政服务类栏目如雨后春笋遍地开花。到目前,已有20多家省级电台、100多家地市级电台开办了这类栏目。尽管各电台此类栏目的侧重点各异,名称也不尽相同,但是,却有一个最大的共同点:就是都在承担并履行着政府与群众之间的桥梁、纽带职能。因此这类热线栏目受到各地党委政府、广大群众、广播媒体的普遍欢迎。国务院一位领导同志也认为,这类节目集行政监督、舆论监督、群众监督于一体,做法很好。为了总结推广广播热线节目的经验,国家广电总局于2月末在河北省召开了全国广播电台政府与群众互动类热线节目经验交流会。国家广电总局副局长胡占凡、中国广播电视协会副会长张振华在会上发表了讲话,河北电台台长杨兴盛介绍了该电台“阳光热线“的做法和经验。他们的讲话经本刊整理后,现予以发表。 This issue of special concern section is the object of attention, the government and the masses interactive hotline broadcast. Since the mid-1990s, the public opinion supervision and the collection of administrative services in the national broadcast media have mushroomed. So far, more than 20 provincial-level radio stations and over 100 municipal radio stations have opened such programs. Although the columns of each radio station have different emphases and different names, they all share one of the biggest things in common: they are all shouldering and fulfilling the functions of bridges and ties between the government and the masses. Therefore, these hotlines are generally welcomed by the party committees and governments, the masses and the radio media all over the country. A leader of the State Council also believes that such programs include administrative supervision, supervision by the public and supervision by the masses in one body. In order to summarize the experience of promoting the radio hotline program, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television held an exchange of experiences in the hotline program of the interaction between the government of the national radio station and the masses in Hebei Province in late February. Hu Zhanfan, deputy director of SARFT, and Zhang Zhenhua, vice president of China Radio and Television Association delivered speeches at the conference. Yang Xingsheng, director of Hebei Radio Station, introduced the practice and experience of the radio station “Sunshine Hotline.” After their speech has been compiled by the press, they are now published.
我还记得我二十多岁三十岁时的生活,那时候我单身,生活在我眼里充满了美好。没有什么能够让我特别焦虑的,如果一定说有的话,也许不知道什么时候才能脱单可以算一个。  一不小心就跌入了中年的焦虑漩涡,现如今已婚有着两个女儿的我,早已没了过去活在当下的洒脱。我感慨于为啥好人英年早逝,坏人却看着身子骨那么硬朗。怕有病,怕车祸,怕环境污染,怕突然失业,怕孩子出事……不确定的未来,于我,是充满各种恐慌的存在。  