Fission Track Method to Date Fault Activity—As Exemplified by the Three Gorges Dam Area of the Yan

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dumala
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The Xiannushan and Jiuwanxi are the two major fracture belts adjacent to the Three Gorges Dam Site. Apatites are selected from fracture clay and fracture|cliff rock in the fracture belts and examined with the fission track dating method. Our study shows that the Xiannushan and Jiuwanxi fracture belts were tectonically active at 0.60±0.04Ma and 0.29±0.04Ma ago, respectively. Their ages are close to those obtained by the U|series method. The Xiannushan and Jiuwanxi are the two major fracture belts adjacent to the Three Gorges Dam Site. Apatites are selected from fracture clay and fracture | cliff rock in the fracture belts and examined with the fission track dating method. Our study shows that the Xiannushan and Jiuwanxi fracture belts were tectonically active at 0.60 ± 0.04Ma and 0.29 ± 0.04Ma ago, respectively. Their ages are close to those obtained by the U | series method.
由上海市政协机关干部谢大胜设计发明的一种外观新颖、能增加乘座舒适感,还能增强乘员安全的轿车三人头枕车座,最近已被国家专利局授于实用新型专利。专利号89225171.4 据悉
The dissolved ionic constituents of groundwaters are, in part, a record of the minerals and rocks in aquifers through which the water has flowed. The chemical c
摘要:按照特吕弗的观点,所谓“电影作者论”的第一核心要旨,便是电影创作过程的绝对导演中心。一部影片从题材的选取到剪辑制作完成,导演应该成为整个过程的绝对掌控者及其灵魂。在《为奴十二年》这部由小说改编的电影中,导演运用自己独特的表现手法,用一个个体的视角去全面展示19世纪的美国南方种植园社会以及奴隶制。  关键词:电影作者论 编导合一 电影作者 内在含义  麦奎因说:“我看到这本小说的时候,惊为天人
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