Major Ion Geochemistry of Groundwaters from Southern Nevada and Eastern California, USA

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zshihao
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The dissolved ionic constituents of groundwaters are, in part, a record of the minerals and rocks in aquifers through which the water has flowed. The chemical composition and association of these major ions in groundwaters have been used to trace groundwater flow paths and sources. In general, the chemical composition of water in carbonate|rock aquifers is dominated by calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate, whereas sodium, chloride, and sulfate can be dominant ions in the water that comes from volcanic aquifers or clay minerals. Since the {1990’s}, we have dealt with the geochemistry of groundwaters from more than 100 springs and wells in southern Nevada and eastern California, USA for major solutes and trace elements. This paper compiles the hydrochemical data of major ions of these groundwaters. Based on major ion geochemistry, groundwaters from southern Nevada and eastern California can be classified as carbonate aquifer water, volcanic aquifer water, and mixing water (either mixing of carbonate and volcanic aquifer waters or mixing with local recharges). Piper and Stiff diagrams of major ions have graphically shown the general chemical characteristics, classifications, and mixing relationships of groundwaters from southern Nevada and eastern California. The dissolved ionic constituents of groundwaters are, in part, a record of the minerals and rocks in aquifers through which the water has flowed. The chemical composition and association of these major ions in groundwaters have been used to trace groundwater flow paths and sources. In general, the chemical composition of water in carbonate | rock aquifers is dominated by calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate, of sodium, chloride, and sulfate can be dominant ions in the water that comes from volcanic aquifers or clay minerals. Since the {1990’s }, we have dealt with the geochemistry of groundwaters from more than 100 springs and wells in southern Nevada and eastern California, USA for major solutes and trace elements. This paper compiles the hydrochemical data of major ions of these groundwaters. Based on major ion geochemistry, groundwaters from southern Nevada and eastern California can be classified as carbonate aquifer water, volcanic aquifer water, and mixing water (either mi xing of carbonate and volcanic aquifer waters or mixing with local recharges). Piper and Stiff diagrams of major ions have graphically shown the general chemical characteristics, classifications, and mixing relationships of groundwaters from southern Nevada and eastern California.
5.堵塞堵塞是制冷系统又一常见故障,往往发生在储液罐和膨胀阀处,但也有发生在管路上及蒸发箱低压出口处。堵塞反映在岐管表上低压侧压力大大低于正常压力,多数表现 5. Blo
由上海市政协机关干部谢大胜设计发明的一种外观新颖、能增加乘座舒适感,还能增强乘员安全的轿车三人头枕车座,最近已被国家专利局授于实用新型专利。专利号89225171.4 据悉