
来源 :中德临床肿瘤学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ganmaogaishilangren
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EUS is the most sensitive imaging procedure for the detection of small solid pancreatic masses and is accurate in determining vascular invasion of the portal venous system. Even compared to the new CT-techniques EUS provides excellent results in preoperative staging of solid pancreatic tumors. Compared to helical CT-techniques EUS is less accurate in detecting tumor involvement of superior mesenteric artery. EUS staging and EUS-guided FNA can be performed in a single-step procedure, to establish the diagnosis of cancer. There is no known negative impact of tumor cell seeding due to EUS-FNA.Without FNA EUS and additional methods are not able to reliably distinguish between inflammatory and malignant masses.
Primary hepatic carcinoid tumor (PHCT) is a extremely rare neoplasm, usually lacking specific symptoms. We present a histologically proved case and review the c
摘要:人文精神是一种普遍的人类自我关怀,表现为对人的尊严、价值、命运的维护、追求和关切,对人类遗留下来的各种精神文化现象的高度珍视,对一种全面发展的理想人格的肯定和塑造。新课程改革把教育的终极目标定位于培养人的人格和精神,完善人的精神结构,从而实现人的全面发展,最终拥有健康完善的人格。高中英语教学不仅要扎实掌握英语语言知识、技能和运用语言的能力,更要重视学生人文精神的培养和全面素质的发展。  关键
With its incidence (10-11 per 100, 000 people) almost equaling its prevalence, pancreatic cancer is one of the most aggressive human tumors.
IntroductionsPancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (frequently simply being referred to as "pancreatic cancer") represents the most frequent neoplasm of the pancreas
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is a dismal disease with a median survival below 6 months and a 5 year survival rate below 1%. High mortality is due to early l
IntroductionThe introduction of mode imaging and fast imaging processing has tremendously improved detection and staging of pancreatic cancer.
Important challenges for imaging of pancreatic cancer are the late presentation of the disease and the fact that therapeutic management is of limited success. S