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1964年12月下旬,陕西省昆虫学会召开了全省棉虫防治技术讨论会。在总结经验的基础上,根据我省棉虫发生特点及生产条件等,认其讨论了1965年的防治技术措施和策略,具体写出了棉虫防治技术措施纲要,提供有关农业生产部门参考采用。 陕西省棉田以关中棉区为主,基本上具有中纬度黄河流域棉虫区系的特点。以棉蚜、盲蝽、红铃虫、红蜘蛛、地老虎、棉铃虫、小造桥虫等七种害虫经常为害棉花,尤以前四种最为重要。关中中部、东部灌溉区棉田集中,为全省主要棉区,温度湿度较高,水肥条件好,棉株生育快、生长期长,红铃虫与盲蝽为历史性的虫害,棉蚜、红蜘蛛、地老虎也易于成灾。北部早塬区一般属次要棉区,棉田分散,生长季节较短,水肥条件差,植株生育较慢,干旱年份棉蚜、红蜘蛛为害重,影响最大;多雨年份棉蚜为害期长,叶病(茎枯病)发生严重, In late December 1964, Shaanxi Institute of Entomology held a seminar on prevention and control of cotton insects in the province. On the basis of summing up experience, according to the occurrence characteristics and production conditions of cotton in our province, we consider that it discussed the technical measures and tactics of prevention and control in 1965, specifically wrote the outline of the technical measures for the prevention and control of cotton insects, provided relevant reference for the agricultural production department . Cotton fields in Shaanxi Province are mainly in the Guanzhong area, which basically has the characteristics of cotton-paddy fauna in the mid-latitude Yellow River valley. With cotton aphids, Lygus, red bollworm, red spider, to tiger, cotton bollworm, bridge insect and other seven pests often harm cotton, especially the first four most important. Central and East Guanzhong concentrated cotton fields, the province’s main cotton area, high temperature and humidity, good water and fertilizer conditions, cotton plants fast growth, long growth period, the red bollworm and Lygus are historic pests, cotton aphids, red Spiders, tigers are also prone to disaster. In the early morning, the northern area is generally a secondary cotton area with scattered cotton fields, short growing season, poor water and fertilizer conditions, slow plant growth, and severe damage to cotton aphids and spider mites in dry years. Disease (stem blight) is serious,
人生短短几十年,人的灵魂驾驭着肉体, 究竟要去哪里? 在心灵旅途中,要经过哪些情感驿站, 才能到达心灵彼岸,回归心灵故乡? 人类共同面临的这些心灵追问,从古至今,是一个不断
1963年南汇县泥城公社防治棉花病虫害时,将单管喷雾器改装上一种零件“防毒罩”。 装置:做一个铅皮圆罩,直径9厘米,中间开圆孔1.8厘米,开一斜口,外口3厘米,里口1厘米。将这
蓖麻蚕在河南省曾一度推广,但因蚕种问题未获解决而中途停止。为此我校在1960~1964年对蓖麻蚕在北方越冬问题曾作了一些研究,并选出了“百泉号”蚕种。兹将结果介绍于下。 一
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