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看到一个业务刊物报道某报社讨论‘隐性采访’问题。所谓‘隐性采访’,就是记者不向采访对象显示自己的身份和采访意图,不引起采访对象心理和行为的变化而获取真实情况的采访方法。我认为,这只能在采访群众场面和突发事件中,记者不可能说明身份和意图时,偶一为之,它不是记者采访的一种方法,更不能归之为新闻学上的一种采访形式。 I saw a business publication covering a newspaper’s discussion of ’hidden interview’ issues. The so-called ’implicit interview’ is the interviewer’s method of obtaining the real situation without revealing his or her own identity and interview intention to the interviewee and not causing changes in the interviewee’s psychological and behavioral changes. In my opinion, this can only be done occasionally in interviews with people’s scenes and emergencies when journalists can not identify themselves and their intentions. It is not a method for journalists to interview nor can it be classified as a journalism Interview form.
有的通讯员写稿,常把“联——连”、“应——映”、“须——需”等同音异义字(词)弄混,以致影响稿件的质量,损伤稿件的内容。兹将这几组字(词)的异同辨析如下: 一、“联”与
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