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根据最近统计,日本胃癌的年死亡率近年来不断下降,其原因在于医疗的进步和社会环境的改善。由于X线双层照影法的开展及内窥镜、活检等诊断方法的进步与普及,可治愈胃癌大量的发现,另外由于经济发展,物质生活水平提高,饮食丰富,也是胃癌减少的原因。在每10万人口中,对年龄、性别、胃癌死亡率,作了间隔20年的比较,看出死亡数及死亡率的下降。胃癌患病率、死亡率最高的是50~69岁组,占全胃癌的大约60%,因此这个年龄组的患病率、死亡率下降,意味着死亡数的大幅度减少。然而75岁以上的死亡率却明显增高,这是人们平均寿命延长的反映,因其人口构成率只是全体的2.6%(1975年统计),对整体 According to recent statistics, the annual mortality rate of gastric cancer in Japan has been declining in recent years because of the advancement of medical care and improvement of the social environment. Due to the advancement and popularization of the X-ray double-image method and the diagnostic methods such as endoscopy and biopsy, it can cure a large number of gastric cancer findings. In addition, due to economic development, the improvement of the material living standards and the rich diet are the reasons for the reduction in gastric cancer. In each 100,000 population, a comparison of age, gender, and gastric cancer mortality was made at intervals of 20 years to see the decline in deaths and mortality. The highest prevalence and mortality rate of gastric cancer is in the 50-69-year-old group, which accounts for approximately 60% of total gastric cancer. Therefore, the prevalence and mortality of this age group decrease, which means a significant reduction in the number of deaths. However, the mortality rate above the age of 75 is significantly higher, which is a reflection of the increase in people’s average life expectancy, as the population composition rate is only 2.6% of the total (statistics in 1975).
类癌又称嗜银细胞瘤,来源于消化道Lieberkuhn 氏隐窝的嗜银细胞(Kulchitz-ky),它同付神经节嗜铬细胞相类似,故属于内分泌肿瘤。据研究这些细胞具有胺前体吸收及脱羧作用(Ami
胃切除术后残胃排空障碍是较为常见的并发症。 作者观察了溃疡病胃大部切除术病人280例。其中219例为B-Ⅱ术式,61例为B-Ⅰ术式;男性232例,女性48例;病人年龄22~76岁;胃切除术