
来源 :中华卫生杀虫药械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:freebird_china
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目的了解天津市蜱类及其病原携带情况。方法采用人工小时布旗法和犬类体表检视法对全市16个区县199块社区绿地和204只犬类开展蜱类调查;同时7个区县送检社区绿地、家畜和犬类及病人等处采集的蜱。用PCR法分别检测布尼亚病毒、嗜粒细胞无形体、伯氏疏螺旋体和巴尔通体。结果蜱的收集和构成:2011年3-8月在全市8个区县共采集蜱197只,全沟硬蜱58只,占29.4%;长角血蜱139只,占70.6%。蜱密度:人工小时布旗法对全市16个区县199块社区绿地进行调查,蜱密度1.01%。染蜱率:采用犬类体表检视法调查全市16个区县的204只犬类,染蜱率1.47%,总蜱指数0.02。蜱病原携带检测:布尼亚病毒核酸Realtime RT-PCR检测阴性;嗜粒细胞无形体核酸巢氏PCR检测阴性;伯氏疏螺旋体核酸巢式PCR检测阴性;巴尔通体核酸PCR检测阴性。结论全沟硬蜱和长角血蜱是天津市的优势蜱种。今后蜱类防治重点要加强环境治理,清除杂草;同时城市中宠物狗携带蜱尤其需引起重视。有必要对蜱等生物媒介宿主动物及其病原体进行更深入的生态与分子流行病学研究。 Objective To understand the situation of ticks and their pathogen in Tianjin. Methods Totally 199 community greenbelt and 204 dogs in 16 districts and counties of the city were surveyed by using artificial hour cloth method and canine body surface examination. Meanwhile, 7 districts and counties were inspected for community green land, livestock, dogs and patients Other ticks collected. Bunyavirus, Acytophthora solani, Borrelia burgdorferi and Bartonella were detected by PCR. Results Ticks collection and composition: From March to August in 2011, 197 ticks, 58 ticks, accounting for 29.4% of the total ticks, 139 of them, accounting for 70.6% of the total. Tick ​​density: Artificial hour cloth method to investigate the city’s 16 districts and counties 199 community green space survey, the tick density of 1.01%. Ticks with ticks rate: Totally 204 canines in 16 districts and counties of the city were surveyed by canine body surface inspection method, with a tick incidence of 1.47% and a total tick index of 0.02. Tick ​​pathogen carrying detection: Real time RT-PCR of Bunyavirus nucleic acid was negative; neutrophil Acylot neoplasm PCR was negative; Borrelia burgdorferi nucleic acid nested PCR was negative; Bartonella ’s nucleic acid PCR was negative. Conclusion Ixodes nurus and C. longicornis are the dominant species of ticks in Tianjin. The future focus of tick control should strengthen environmental governance, remove weeds; the same time, the city’s dogs carrying ticks in particular need attention. There is a need for further ecological and molecular epidemiological studies of biological host animals such as ticks and their pathogens.
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