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中共山西省委写了深入了解老农区业生产情况,于今年七月初组成一个以武光汤,郭忠二同志为首的考察组,到武鄉县进行了一个半月的农村考察。发现了许多在土地改革三年以后所发生的新问题:农村「中农化」了,农民普遍走向富裕,先进村已经恢复或超过了战前生产水平。武鄉土地在一九四六——四七年的土地改革运动中,大体经过平分,不到三、四年工夫,土地已经开始集中,某些人开始贫窮化,某些人则集中了多于全村每人平均数的二倍到三倍的土地。农民所最喜爱的生产互助组,由于生产发展,没有及时提出新的提高的办法,有些开始消沉了,有些地方由于提出技术与互助组相结合的口号,仍在蓬勃发展。农村领导方式如何从党政不分的一揽子方式走上分工负责的路。对于这些问题,这一报告都掌握了充分的材料,具体研究与分析了发生问题的原因,并提出了比较正确的解决办法。我们认为,这一报告所用以研究问题的方法,所提出的问题和解决的办法,一般都是好的。华北所有老解放区所经历的路程与武绑大体相似,可能都有同样问题发生。各省委如果仿照山西省委的办法,组织一些强有力的考察组到农村去考察一番,一定都会发现许多新的问题并提出解决办法,进一步改进对生产工作的领导,为华北农民进一步的富裕而奋斗,这是很必要的。 CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee wrote in-depth understanding of the production of old farming areas and started a research team led by Comrade Wu Guang Tang and Guo Zhong II in early July this year and went to Wuxiang County for a one and a half month rural investigation. Discovered many new problems that occurred three years after the agrarian reform: the rural areas were “peasantrying”, peasants generally went prosperous, and the advanced villages had resumed or surpassed pre-war levels of production. In the land reform movement of 1946-4, the Wuxiang land was generally divided equally, and in less than three or four years, the land began to be concentrated, some people began to be poor, while others were concentrated More than twice the village average per person to three times the land. Farmers’ favorite production mutual aid groups have, due to the development of production, failed to put forth new and improved solutions in time, some of them have started to degenerate, and some are still thriving due to the slogan of combining technology and mutual assistance groups. How to lead the way of rural leadership from the party and government regardless of the package approach embarked on the road of division of labor. For these issues, this report has mastered the full material, specifically studied and analyzed the causes of the problems and proposed a more correct solution. In our view, the methods used, the questions raised and the solutions adopted in the report are generally good. All the old Liberated Areas in North China are going through the same path as the military attachments, and the same problems may all have occurred. If the provincial Party committees follow the example of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and organize some powerful inspection teams to study in the countryside, they will surely find many new problems and propose solutions to further improve their leadership over the production and further their work in North China It is necessary to get rich and fight.
不久前,我在门诊看过一位62岁的女患者,她10多年来多次发生阵发性心房纤维颤动(简称房颤),曾因此在一家有名的专科医院住院做过全面检查,未发现器质性心脏病。出院后,房颤仍常发作,患者和家属为此非常不安。  引起心房纤颤最常见的原因是风湿性二尖瓣病变、甲状腺功能亢进(简称甲亢)和冠心病或老年性心脏退行性病变等。这位病人来看门诊时,心房纤颤没有发作,心音听得很清楚,没有杂音。结合她以前做的超声心动图所
概述了电化学噪声的产生机理、分类方法及电化学噪声技术相对于其它研究手段的优良特性 .介绍了电化学噪声的测量方法及测量过程中的注意事项 ,重点讨论了电化学噪声的数据处
关注孤独症儿童的口腔卫生状况,提高孤独症儿童及家长的口腔保健意识,促进孤独症儿童养成良好的口腔卫生习惯。 Concerned about the oral hygiene of children with autism
弥散性血管内凝血(Disseminαtedintracasculas cauguIation)〈下简称DIC〉,乃是许多疾病中可以发生的一种病理过程。在某些致病因素的影响下,致使在微循环内(尤其是毛细血
臀位属于高危妊娠(High Risk Pregn—aney),臀产新生儿的死亡是围产期死亡(Perinatal motality)的一个重要原因。如何正确处理臀位分娩,降低新生儿死亡率是产科的难题之一。