Complications of endoscopic retrograde cholangiography in the post-MRCP era: A tertiary center exper

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mnjhkiuu
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AIM: To evaluate our experience in endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) in terms of fulfilling the ASGE guidelines in indications, positive findings, and complications in the post-magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) era. METHODS: Between November 2001 and February 2003, consecutive ERCP cases were prospectively evaluated with regard to the indications, findings, cannulation techniques, devices used during the procedure, sedation given, duration of procedure, and complications. These data were entered in a database for subsequent processing and analysis. RESULTS: Of 336 cases, 21.4% were diagnostic and 78.6% therapeutic ERCP. The indications for ERCP fulfilled the ASGE guidelines in 323 cases (96.1%). Suspected bile duct stone was the most frequent indication (26.8%), and this was followed by cholangitis (24.4%), dilated common bile duct (14.9%), and cholestatic jaundice (13.4%). Cannulation success rate was 94%. Biliary sphincterotomy was performed in 175 (52.1%) patients. Repeated ERCP was performed on 31.5% of the patients. Overall, the complication rate was 9.8% with 0.3% being procedure-related mortality. The complications were pancreatitis (5.4%), bleeding (0.8%), cholangitis (2.4%) and others (1.5%). No significant difference was observed between the complication rate and the type of ERCP performed. CONCLUSION: Our study showed that post-ERCP complication rate was comparable with the other large prospective studies and there was no difference in the complication between the diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP. AIM: To evaluate our experience in endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) in terms of fulfilling the ASGE guidelines in indications, positive findings, and complications in the post-magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) era. METHODS: Between November 2001 and February 2003 , consecutive ERCP cases were prospectively evaluated with regard to the indications, findings, cannulation techniques, devices used during the procedure, sedation given, duration of procedure, and complications. These data were entered in a database for subsequent processing and analysis. RESULTS: Of Of the 336 cases, 21.4% were diagnostic and 78.6% therapeutic ERCP. The indications for ERCP fulfilled the ASGE guidelines in 323 cases (96.1%). Suspected bile duct stone was the most frequent indication (26.8%), and this was followed by cholangitis 24.4%), dilated common bile duct (14.9%), and cholestatic jaundice (13.4%). Cannulation success rate was 94%. Biliary sphincterotomy was performed in 1 Overall, the complication rate was 9.8% with 0.3% being procedure-related mortality. The complications were pancreatitis (5.4%), bleeding (0.8%), cholangitis (2.4%) and others (1.5%). No significant difference was observed between the complication rate and the type of ERCP performed. CONCLUSION: Our study showed that post-ERCP complication rate was comparable with the other large prospective studies and there was no difference in the complication between the diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP.
Background: The inability to pass endoscopes beyond strictures is a considerable problem in patients with a colonic stricture. Methods: In patients with bowel o
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我的家乡在湖南的一个小村庄里。  十年前……  孤零零的几栋土砖屋像散了队形的士兵一样,稀稀拉拉地站立在一个荒凉的小村子里,大概站在一个小山坡上便可以把这里的“美景”完整地拍下来。拍摄的照片有一个特点,那就是房子总可以与苍凉的秋天相呼应,两者都显得那么单调。房子像是一個模型,像一个个瘦弱的老人般憔悴。  我依稀记得当第一座红砖瓦房坐落在这个简陋的村子时,它简直是鹤立鸡群,它那昂首挺胸、趾高气扬的样