A synopsis of the book Striking a balance: improvingstewardship of marine areas(by the U. S. Nationa

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skjthit
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Sustainable use of the planet will require a more robust regulatory and management framework for marine areas as advances in offshore technology and changes in market conditions lead to an increase in coastal populations and marine recreation and tourism. Although each area of the world presents unique problems, many principles of stewardship, which can appropriately modified, will serve well anywhere on the planet. The purpose of this brief synopsis is to share these principles ot stewardship with colleagues in China. rn This volume (Striking a balance: improving stewardship of marine areas) notes: In addition to the govance problems created by multiple nonmarket uses of marine resources and maintaining access to them, existing systems have two fundamental problems first, fragmentation among federal and local agencies and second, not enough participation and coordination of interests at the local level( p. 4 ). Although this book focuses on marine ecosystems associated with the United States coastline( such as the Gulf of maine/Massachusetts Bay, the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary/Florida Bay ecosystem, and the South Califia coast), the issues, the problems, and strategies should be, with minor adjustments, fully applicable anywhere in the world. The following general elements of the framework for improved govance and management of marine areas are given as recommendations(p. 5)[Comments given in brackets are those of the author].
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