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近年来人们已注意到抗心律失常药物的加重或致心律失常作用(proarrhythmic or arrhythmogenic effect)。Bianco等指出,与其称这类药物为抗心律失常药物,不如更确切地称之为具有电生理作用的药物。Ic类抗心律失常药物的这一不良作用在治疗临床持续性室性心动过速(简称 In recent years, people have noticed proarrhythmic or arrhythmogenic effects of antiarrhythmic drugs. Bianco and other pointed out that rather than such drugs as anti-arrhythmic drugs, rather as more accurately known as electrophysiological drugs. This adverse effect of Class Ic antiarrhythmic drugs in the treatment of clinically persistent ventricular tachycardia (referred to as
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似乎科斯特纳的事业已到达了顶峰,但他错误地作出了一些令人震惊的无用努力,他主演了《罗宾汉:窃贼王子》和《保镖》,在前一部影片中,科斯 It seems that Kostner’s career
本文比较了自1977~1986年住院的不同病因128例房颤患者的超声心动图、心电图、X线检查结果,旨在探讨其间的关系。临床资料见表1。 This article compares the echocardiogra
初学英语的人在用英语交谈时,往往不分对象、时间、场合地套用书本中的现成句子。虽然有时也勉强说得过去,但听起来难免有些生硬。先看一看下面几句经常听到的问话: Beginne