
来源 :中医药管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:toefltoefl
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《中国中医药报》2016年3月10日讯:“政府工作报告让我感受最深的就是供给侧改革思路。”2016年3月9日,全国政协委员、国家中医药管理局副局长于文明在全国政协十二届四次会议中国农工民主党小组会议上指出,增加民生方面的供给质量和效益就是用“三去一降一补”政策措施深化改革,补齐民生发展短板,“具体到我们医药卫生中医药领域,就是‘三医联动’改革,增加基本医疗服务供给和支持保障发展。” “China’s Traditional Chinese Medicine Newspaper” March 10, 2016 News: “Government work report let me feel the deepest is the supply-side reform ideas. ” March 9, 2016, the CPPCC National Committee members, deputy director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine At the Fourth Session of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, pointed out at the Fourth Meeting of the Chinese Peasants and Workers’ Democratic Party, the quality and efficiency of providing more people’s livelihood is to deepen the reform and make up the shortcomings of people’s livelihood with the policy of “three reductions and one reduction” “Specific to our medical and health fields of traditional Chinese medicine, is the” three medical linkage “reform, increase the supply of basic medical services and support the protection of development. ”
1 病例介绍 患者男,42岁,农民。因10小时前在无明显诱因情况下,感左侧肢体无力,站立不稳。8小时后波及右侧肢体,呈上行性加重。于1998年4月27日下午4时就诊。无呼吸困难,无
Ammonium 5-sulfosalicylic acid monohydrate(NH4·C7H5O6S·H2O, ASSA) was synthesized and optical grade crystal with dimensions of 45 mm × 20 mm × 18 mm was obt
现将我院1990年以来收治的8例铅性腹绞痛误诊病例,对其临床表现和误诊原因作一初步分析。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 8例中男6例,女2例,年龄20岁~45岁。平均35.5岁。男性患者中,
背景 血管迷走神经反应较少发生,但多发生在捐血者。因为可能因此减少捐血者返回再次捐血的比率并可使血液采集活动受到干扰。本研究目的是要确定在发生血管迷走神经反应并