Interaction between seed size and NaCl on germination and early seedling growth of some Turkish cult

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University(Science B:An International Bi | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feiyang187
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Chickpea is an important food legume crop of Turkey and is largely grown for human consumption on low moisture or salt-affected soils. The objective of the study was to find the effects of NaCl stress at electrical conductivities of 4.5,8.6,12.7 and 16.3 dS/m and seed sizes(7,8 and 9 mm) on germination and early seedling growth of three popular chickpea cultivars(AKN-97,Gokce and Uzunlu-99). Mean frequency of germination,germination time,germination index,root length,shoot length and seedling fresh weight showed seed size-dependent responses of cultivars to salt stress. In general,small seeds germinated and grew more rapidly compared to medium and large seeds of the same cultivars against all levels of salt stress,with the best results in cultivar Uzunlu-99. No effect of NaCl treatments was observed on frequency of germination;however,a drastic decrease in early seedling growth was recorded at increased NaCl concentrations. Regression analysis results showed a significantly positive rela-tionship(P<0.01) between seed size and mean germination time,whereas a significantly negative relationship was recorded between seed size and germination index,root length,shoot length. Moreover,linear regression values apparently confirmed that increased seed size in each cultivar affected decreased germination index,root and shoot lengths with enhanced mean germination time. Thus,it was concluded that the use of small seeds could considerably reduce the production costs of chickpea in salt-affected soils. Chickpea is an important food legume crop of Turkey and is largely grown for human consumption on low moisture or salt-affected soils. The objective of the study was to find the effects of NaCl stress at electrical conductivities of 4.5, 8.6, 12.7 and 16.3 dS / m and seed sizes (7,8 and 9 mm) on germination and early seedling growth of three popular chickpea cultivars (AKN-97, Gokce and Uzunlu-99). Mean frequency of germination, germination time, germination index, root length, shoot length and seedling fresh weight showed seed size-dependent responses of cultivars to salt stress. In general, small seeds germinated and grew more rapidly compared to medium and large seeds of the same cultivars against all levels of salt stress, with the best results in No effect of NaCl treatments was observed on frequency of germination; however, a drastic decrease in early seedling growth was recorded at increased NaCl concentrations. Regression analysis results showed a significantly positive re la-tionship (P <0.01) between seed size and mean germination time, an a significant negative relationship was recorded between seed size and germination index, root length, shoot length. Moreover, linear regression values ​​apparently confirmed that increased seed size in each cultivar affected decreased germination index, root and shoot lengths with enhanced mean germination time. Thus, it was concluded that the use of small seeds could urge reduce the production costs of chickpea in salt-affected soils.
摘要:从古至今,音乐已经有很高的地位,“兴于诗,立于礼,而成于乐”。也就是说,人的修养,开始于学诗,自立于学礼,完成于学乐。在那个时候,对于学习音乐都已经提到了一个很高的位置,可以说是当时审美的教育思想,时光已经走到了今天,如今的我们肩负着培养孩子音乐审美的能力和情趣,引导他们体会感受美,我认为这是一项最美的工作。  关键词:音乐欣赏课;思考;教师;学生  中图分类号:G633.951文献标识码:
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摘要:语文阅读能力是一个学生学习能力的再现。在小学语文阅读过程中的自主讨论非常关键,对学生的阅读力、理解力、创新思维、语言表达等各方面都有很大的提升作用。因而,小学语文阅读教学中自主讨论在学好语文方面起着非常重要的作用。  关键词:小学语文;阅读教学;自主讨论  中图分类号:G633.33文献标识码:A文章编号:1992-7711(2020)04-0103  小学语文虽然比较简单,但对于刚入校门的