树立司法所建设、管理和活跃工作并重思想 进一步推进司法行政基层工作

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党中央、国务院高度重视司法行政基层工作。罗干同志明确指出:司法所是司法行政工作面向基层、面向群众的窗口和服务平台,是司法行政基层建设的重点。今年1月国务院常务会议审议并原则通过了《中西部地区基层派出所、乡镇司法所、人民法庭建设规划》,确定中央安排23.9亿元国债资金,用于解决中西部地区乡镇司法所无房和危房问题。各级司法行政机关要紧紧抓住这个大好机遇,认真落实中央关于加强“两所一庭”建设的要求,大力加强司法所建设和管理,全面活跃基层司法行政工作,为构建社会主义和谐社会作出应有的贡献。 The Central Party Committee and the State Council attach great importance to grass-roots administration of judicial administration. Comrade Luo Gan pointed out clearly that the judicial office is the window and service platform for judicial administrations facing the grassroots and facing the masses and is the focal point of grassroots administration of judicial administration. In January this year, the State Council executive meeting reviewed and approved in principle the “grass-roots police stations in the central and western regions, township and town judiciary, people's court construction plan” to determine the central government arranged 2.39 billion yuan of national debt funds for the settlement of central and western townships justice and no housing problem. Judicial and administrative organs at all levels should firmly seize this great opportunity to conscientiously implement the requirements of the Central Government on strengthening the building of the “two courts”, vigorously strengthen the construction and administration of judicial work, fully mobilize the work of judicial administration at the grassroots level, and make the decision for building a socialist harmonious society Due contribution.
近几年,台湾空军恶性飞行事故频出,在5年多的时间里摔了20多架飞机,死亡和失踪20多名飞行员,另有10多名飞行员受伤。被恶性事故吓破胆子的台湾青年形 In recent years, the
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激烈的战斗结束了,然而无论是胜利的一方还是战败的一方,都没有人员伤亡。你也许不相信这是真的,然而这就是未来的“不死人”的战争。 Fierce fighting was over, but no on