创意 写意 酒意:演绎第31届世界戏剧节开幕式

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半个世纪前,为了不朽艺术的交流传扬,为了爱与美永恒的光辉,“世界戏剧节”应运而生,迄今已在法国、德国、荷兰、波兰、韩国等国先后举办了30届。第31届世界戏剧节是首次在中国举办的世界戏剧节,由国家文化部、中国文联、江苏省人民政府联合主办,中国戏剧家协会、江苏省文化厅、江苏省文联承办。本届戏剧节的主题为:“世界戏剧的传统与新姿”。灿烂舞台承载着历史、今天与未来,用古韵谱写人类的春秋,用新姿展示时代的风采。金秋十月,中外戏剧齐聚中国江苏!国外共有来自五大洲的26台剧目参演本届世界戏剧节:美国的《埃及艳后》带你前往托勒密王朝,感受“尼罗河花蛇”的魅惑;南非的《鼓魂》以神秘、狂热的鼓点敲醒人类渴慕自由的心;德国的《沃依采克》绽放迷人的残酷,银白刀锋在深夜闪烁悲伤;加拿大的《动画大师诺曼》展开天马行空的“复活”幻想,梦境与现实交织着向大师致敬;韩国的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》再现莎翁经典,爱情如红蔷薇盛开在仇恨的暴雨中;以及日本的《西哈诺》、俄罗斯的《天鹅湖》、希腊的《普罗米修斯》、澳大利亚的《夜幕下的森林》……千姿百态,舞台浓缩世界。国内有包括港、澳、台在内的15台剧目献演:《曹操与杨修》撞击两个高傲的灵魂;《金子》挥洒川剧泼辣俏皮的个性;新版《梁祝》纠缠着柔软的爱与坚强的承诺,彩蝶翩飞、与子偕行;《洋麻将》收拾起孤独人生的酸甜苦辣,演绎出嬉笑怒骂皆是文章;《静安寺路192号6楼》横越1943年沦陷区的浩淼夜空,凝望女性世界的微妙幽深;以及台湾的《猪探长的秘密档案》、国家话剧院的《霸王歌行》、北京人艺的《雷雨》、苏州昆剧院的青春版《牡丹亭》……姹紫嫣红,粉墨绚烂东方。自2008年10月16日至10月26日,31台国内外剧目在古城南京演出近50场,数万名观众将与各国艺术家共同感受舞台剧的非凡魅力,见证第31届世界戏剧节的盛况飞扬!本期推出“第31届世界戏剧节”专栏,以展示戏剧的盛宴,艺术的海洋,为历史存照,供读者品赏。 Half a century ago, in order to exchange and promote the immortal art, for the eternal glory of love and beauty, the “World Theater Festival” came into being. So far, it has held 30 sessions in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and South Korea . The 31st World Theater Festival is the first World Theater Festival in China. It is co-hosted by the Ministry of Culture, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, the Chinese Dramatists Association, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Jiangsu Federation of Literary and Art Circles. The theme of this festival is: “The Tradition and New Trend of World Drama”. Brilliant stage carries the history, today and the future, with the ancient charm of human writers Spring and Autumn, with the new posture to show the style of the times. In the autumn of October, Chinese and foreign dramas gather in Jiangsu, China. There are 26 repertoires from all five continents participating in this World Theater Festival: the Cleopatra of the United States takes you to the Ptolemaic dynasty and feels “Nile Flower Snake ”; South Africa's“ drum soul ”with mysterious, fanatical drummer awakened human heart of freedom; German“ Wo Yi Suck ”blooming charming cruel, white blade flashing grief late at night; Canada's“ Master of animation Man ”unleashed“ abstract ”fantasy, dream and reality intertwined to pay tribute to the master; South Korea's“ Romeo and Juliet ”reproduction of Shakespeare's classic, love such as red rose in full bloom in the hate of heavy rains; and Japan's“ West Kazakhstan Connaught ”,“ Swan Lake ”in Russia,“ Prometheus ”in Greece,“ The Forest Under the Night ”in Australia. There are 15 repertoire performances in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in the country: “Cao Cao and Yang Xiu” hit two proud souls; “Gold” swayed Sichuan Opera's playful and playful personality; the new version of “Butterfly Lovers” entangled with soft love and Strong commitment, Nabi Pina fly, and son along; “mahjong” to pick up the ups and downs of lonely life, interpretation of ridicule are all articles; “Jing'an Temple Road, No. 6, 6th Floor,” across the enemy-occupied areas of 1943 vast night sky , Staring at the subtle deepness of the female world; as well as Taiwan's “Secret Archives of the Pig Detectives”, “The King of Songs” by the National Theater, “Thunderstorm” by Beijing Renaissance Art, and the youth version of The Peony Pavilion at Suzhou Kunju Theater. Colorful, pink gorgeous oriental. From October 16, 2008 to October 26, 2008, 31 domestic and foreign repertoire performances in the ancient city of Nanjing, nearly 50 games, tens of thousands of spectators and artists from various countries will experience the extraordinary charm of theatrical to witness the 31st World Theater Festival This issue of the “31st World Theater Festival” column, to show the feast of the drama, the art of the sea, for the sake of history, for readers to enjoy.
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