Frequency-domain parametric downconversion for efficient broadened idler generation

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boat_y
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An opposite-chirped frequency-domain optical parametric amplification (OC-FOPA) design is demonstrated and numerically verified. This scheme combines both an ultrabroad seeding generation and the subsequent effective amplification in one single optical parametric amplification stage. Based on a slightly asymmetrical 4-f optical system, the spectral contents of both pump and signal waves are spectrally dispersed with opposite spatial chirps, to broaden the initial idler seeding. Via a properly designed fan-out periodically poled LiNbO3 chip, nearly perfect quasi phase matching can be realized across the full spectrum, whereby each individual spectral pair precisely maps to its required grating period. Full-dimensional simulations based on commercial ~110 fs (FWHM) near-infrared (near-IR) lasers at 790 and 1030 nm are quantitatively discussed, and few-cycle mid-IR laser pulses (~60 fs at 3.4 μm) plus a high conversion efficiency exceeding 50% are theoretically predicted. By means of a high-power pump source, the OC-FOPA scheme can be also applied to directly produce high-intensity carrier-envelope-phase-stabilized mid-IR idler pulses.
In order to test mild aspheric surface directly without other null optics, the digital plane method is proposed. When departure of the tested aspheric surface is mild, a sphere mirror can be used as the reference surface. The phase distribution can be mea
随着半导体太阳电池制备工艺的发展, 基于GaAs的Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物半导体电池光电转换效率不断提高, 是目前世界上最具竞争力的新一代太阳电池, 成为空间太阳电池领域的研究热点。文章详细评述了GaAs基系双结、三结及三结以上太阳电池的研究历程与最新技术发展现状, 并对它的发展前景进行了展望。
In this paper, a novel refractive index (RI) sensor is proposed based on the fused tapered special multi-mode fiber (SMMF). Firstly, a section of SMMF is spliced between two single-mode fibers (SMFs). Then, the SMMF is processed by a fused tapering machin