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联合国贸法委(UNCITRAL)制定的示范法、公约以及国际商会(ICC)制定的统一规则,是各国在国际金融、贸易领域中遵循的国际准则和依据。仅就担保而言,贸法委有《联合国独立担保和备用信用证公约》(将于2000年1月1日生效),而国际商会有 URDG《合约担保统一规则》(325)、URDG《见索即付保函统一规则》(458)、UCP《跟单信用证统一惯例》(500)及 ISO98《国际备用信用证惯例》(590,已于1999年1月1日生效)等出版物。那么,这两组织各自的职能及相互间的关系如何,它们分别就同一问题制定的公约和统一规则之间关系如何等问题,无疑是从事银行工作特别是担保业务的同志所关心的。为此,本刊特将国际商会《跟单信用证研究》(DOI)1999春季刊登的一篇采访贸法委秘书赫尔曼先生的访谈翻译文章登载本期,以期帮助读者特别是从业人员增加对有关公约和统一规则制定背景等情况的了解。 The UNCITRAL model laws and conventions as well as the uniform rules laid down by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) are the international norms and bases that all countries follow in the international financial and trade fields. For the purpose of guarantees only, UNCITRAL has the UN Independent Guarantee and Standby Letters of Agreement (to be effective on January 1, 2000), while the International Chamber of Commerce has the URDG Uniform Rules for Contract Guarantees (325), URDG (458), the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP) (500), and the Practice for International Standby Letters of Practice (590) (which became effective on January 1, 1999). So what are the respective functions and mutual relations between the two organizations and how they are related to the conventions and uniform rules respectively formulated on the same issue and are of undoubted interest to those engaged in banking work, especially the guarantee business? To this end, we published an interview article interviewed by the International Chamber of Commerce “Doing Documentary Credits Study” (DOI) in 1999 with Mr. Herman, CMB secretary, to present this issue with a view to helping readers, especially practitioners, to increase their numbers Knowledge of the context in which conventions and uniform rules have been formulated.
高德占部长在1989年12月18日召开的全国林业厅局长会议上,所做的题为《抓改革、抓资源、抓队伍、把林业工作推新水平》的重要讲话中强调: 大搞多种经营、综合利用,调整林业的
针对当前形势 ,本文就公路建设的资金筹集问题进行了分析 ,指出债券融资是一种切实可行的方式 ,同时对债券融资的利弊进行了分析。 In view of the current situation, this