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中国职工国际旅行社总社直属于中华全国总工会,作为总工会对外旅游接待的窗口,本着诚信服务的宗旨,多年来接待了大量赴京疗、休养的职工,被各地工会和广大职工誉为“温馨的职工之家”。新春来临之际,特为广大职工推出特价游——— As a window to the reception of foreign trade by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the headquarters of China Workers International Travel Service directly serves the reception of a large number of staff and workers who have come to Beijing for treatment and recuperation in the past years and are praised by trade unions and workers “Warm family of workers.” Spring is approaching, especially for the majority of workers launched a special tour ---
The inclusion behaviors of three native or modified CDs including p-CD,2-hydroxypropyl-β-CD(2-Hp-β-CD) and 2,6-dimethyl-β-CD(Me-β-CD) toward 5-amino-6-methy
Uniform and well-defined lanthanide hydroxide and oxide micro/nanorods Ln(OH)_3(Ln=La, Pr, Sm, Eu, Gd, Er) and Gd(OH)_3:Eu~(3+), Gd_2O_3:Eu~(3+) were successful
Amphiphilic Janus gold nanoparticles(GNPs) are prospected to encapsulate drug molecules in cancer therapy and to serve as heterogeneous catalysts at oil/water i
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The role of substrate roughness in ZnO nanowire(NW) arrays hydrothermal growth has been systematically studied.Six silicon substrates with different roughness b