时代的荣光 总政歌舞团建团60周年演出季综述

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六十年一甲子,半个多世纪的轮回,可以让一个国家从饥寒交迫到屹立于世界,可以让一个天真的孩童蜕变成从容睿智的老者,那么,对于一个艺术团体,60年意味着什么?60年曾经历过什么?60年后的今天,我们又期待看到什么?从1953年到2013年,60年风雨征程、薪火相传,仿佛弹指一挥。60年来,中国人民解放军总政治部歌舞团以不变的探索、坚守、传承、开拓,给了所有观众一份完美的答卷。2013年8月22日,总政歌舞团建团60周年演出季在中国剧院拉开帷幕。在北京美丽的初秋,这个具有60年光荣历史和优良传统的经典艺术团体,让每位关注总政、热爱总政的观众再次穿越时空,回忆过往:演唱会《名家与经典》、歌舞晚会《以青春的名义》、交 Sixty years old and a half-century, more than half a century of reincarnation, can make a country from hunger and cold forced to stand in the world, can make a naive child transformed into a wise old man, then, for an art group, 60 years what it means 60 years have experienced what? 60 years later, we look forward to seeing what? From 1953 to 2013, 60 years of wind and rain journey, pay torch, as if fingered. Over the past 60 years, the Song and Dance Ensemble of the General Political Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, with constant exploration, persistence, inheritance and development, has given all the audience a perfect answer. On August 22, 2013, the performance season of the 60th anniversary of the General Political Department Song and Dance Troupe started in the Chinese Theater. At the beautiful early autumn in Beijing, this classic art group with 60 years of glorious history and fine traditions allows every viewer who cares about the General Political Department and who loves the general government to go through time and space again. They recalled the past: the concert “Famous Artists and Classics,” the “ In the name of youth ”, pay
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