同心携手 开创未来——中国乐器协会电鸣乐器分会二届一次会议暨《电子钢琴行业标准》审定会议在浙举行

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按照中国乐器协会要求各所属分会“要加强和完善组织建设,积极推动各分会交流和业务活动”的精神和决定,亦根据中国乐器协会章程,中国乐器协会电鸣乐器分会于2002年11月27日~29日在浙江省乐清市举行了分会换届及二届一次会议暨《电子钢琴行业标准》审定会议。会议由第一届中国乐器协会电子琴分会会长张振启主持,他向全体与会代表介绍了中国乐器协会第四届理事会第一次会议的决定和解释了由原电子琴分会更名为电鸣乐器分会的原因,同时就分会换届前期筹备工作向与会代表作了说明。会议首先根据[中乐协(2001)030号]文的决定,确定通过了张振 In accordance with the requirements of the China Musical Instrument Association, all subordinate branches “should strengthen and perfect the organizational construction, and actively promote the exchange and business activities of all clubs,” the spirit and decision, according to the Chinese Musical Instrument Association, China Musical Instrument Association Music Instrument Branch November 27, 2002 Day ~ 29 in Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province, held a branch and the second session of the “electronic piano industry standard” validation meeting. The meeting was chaired by Zhang Zhenqi, president of the first China Musical Instrument Association branch. He introduced the decision of the first meeting of the fourth council of the Chinese Musical Instrument Association and explained the change from the original organ branch to the branch of Electro Musical Instrument The reason, at the same time on the preparatory work for the first session of the exchange made a note to the delegates. The meeting first decided to pass Zhang Zhen based on the decision of [Chinese Music Association (2001) No. 030]
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