大会闭幕式上各小组讨论总结发言 第四组代表发言

来源 :自然科学术语研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pamfdpv007
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首先,代表我们组对大会圆满成功表示祝贺。我们这一组差不多都是搞语言研究的、搞编辑的、搞教学的,而不是术语学中所说的field specialist(各学科的专家),因此没有谈到成立分会以及经费等问题。这两天,我们认真地对两个条例进行了讨论,并且谈了一些一般性问题,其中主要的有以下几点: 1)条例中应该明确写明建立术语数据库问题,以反映术语工作现代化的面貌。 2)关于建立少数民族术语分会问题:我们原则上同意,但要从长计议,因为那方面的问题也相当复杂,是自造还是借用;是借用汉语的,还是借用其他语言的,等等,需专门讨论。另外,还要跟民委等单位磋商。 First, on behalf of our group, we congratulate the Assembly on its success. Almost all of our group engaged in linguistic research, engaged in editing, and engaged in teaching rather than the field specialist (specialists in various disciplines) in terms of terminology, so they did not talk about the establishment of clubs and funding issues. These two days, we carefully discussed the two regulations, and talked about some general issues, the main ones are the following: 1) regulations should be clearly stated the establishment of the terminology database to reflect the modernization of terminology face. 2) On the issue of setting up a branch of ethnic minority terminology: We agree in principle, but we must consider it from a long time because problems in that area are quite complex, whether it is self-made or borrowed; borrowed in Chinese or borrowed in other languages, etc., discuss. In addition, we must consult with other committees and other units.
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