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内分泌学作为一个学科,它的真正发展是本世纪内的事,因而它还是一个年青的科学分支.1902年,英国的两位著名的生理学家白利思(Bayliss)和施他林(starling)在小肠粘膜上发现了一个促进胰液分泌的化学物质——促胰液素(secretin),这是有史以来的第一个激素.随着促胰液素的发现,他们很快地意识到,这不仅是发现了一个新的化学物质,而是发现了一个调节机体机能活动的新方式.也就是说,发现了除神经系统外,机体内还存在着一个通过化学物质的传递以调节远处器官活动的方式.这当然是生理学中的一件大事. 为了寻找一个新词来称呼这类化学信使,施他林采纳了哈代(W.B.Hardy)的建议,于1905年创用了“激素”(hormone)一名来称呼它.这个词源于希腊文,是“刺激”的意思.这样,便产生了“激素调节”这个新概念.不久,另一学者彭德(Pende)又创用了“内分泌”(endotcrine)(也源于希腊文)这个名称,以别于沿导管流出的外分泌(exocrine).内分泌学(endocrinology)就这样诞生了. 在本世纪的前半期,内分泌学的进展是相当缓慢的.从五十年代以来,多肽或蛋白质化学的快速进展,大大促进了内分泌学的发展.这是因为,多数已知的激素是肽类或蛋白质,如下丘脑激素、垂体激素、胰岛激素、甲状旁腺激素、胃肠激素等.正是由于蛋白质化学的进展,在不太长的时间内,多少个蛋白质或肽类激素就 Endocrinology as a discipline, its real development is something of this century, so it is still a young branch of science in 1902, the two famous British physiologist Bayliss (Bayliss) and starling in the small intestine On the mucous membrane, a secretin, the first ever hormone found to promote pancreatic secretion, quickly realized that it was not only the discovery of secretin A new chemical, but found a new way of regulating the body’s functional activity, that is to say, in addition to the nervous system, discovered a way in the body to regulate the movement of distant organs through the transfer of chemical substances. Of course, this is a major event in physiology.In order to find a new term to refer to such a chemical messenger, Shtatlin adopted the suggestion of WB Hardy and created a “hormone” in 1905 Is the term “stimulus.” This led to the new concept of “hormone regulation.” Shortly thereafter, another scholar, Pende, used the term “endotcrine” (Also from Greek) so as not to be exocrine outflow along the duct. Endocrinology was thus born, and progress in endocrinology was rather slow in the first half of this century. Since the 1950s, The rapid progress of peptide or protein chemistry has greatly contributed to the development of endocrinology because most known hormones are peptides or proteins such as hypothalamic hormones, pituitary hormones, islet hormones, parathyroid hormone, gut hormones, etc. It is precisely because of the progress of protein chemistry that in less than a long time, how many proteins or peptide hormones
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