努力学习毛主席著作 力争思想改造大跃進——新疆奇台县宗教界举行思想改造大跃进会議

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新疆奇台县政协于2月24日召开了全县宗教界座談会,参加会議的有来自各公社农牧区、边远的山区牧場和附近城鎮,包括維吾尔,哈薩克、回族和烏茲别克等四个民族的宗教界人士三十八人。他們都满怀热情地参加了这次思想改造大跃进的会議。会議历时五天,于28日胜利結束。会議首先听取了县党委委员、县政协常委马兴发同志的报告,与会人士进行了充分的討論,一致表示拥护馬兴发同志在报告中所指出的:宗教界人士在思想改造方面,虽然有了一定的成绩,但还远不能适应“一天等于二十年”的社会主义革命和社会主义建設发展新形势的需要,必须认真学习毛主席著作,才能正确地掌握改造非无产阶級思想的武器,加速进行思想改造,为社会主义建設事业服务。在討論中馬元善阿洪說:“我已經是七十多岁了,过去心里曾經不愿意学习,以为是快进土的人了,学了能干啥,想不当阿洪,到偏僻的农村养神避新鮮,藉以逃避思想改造。这次听了国內国际新形势和我們县上新形势的报 The CPPCC National Committee of Qitai County of Xinjiang Province convened a forum for the religious community in the county on February 24, with representatives from pastoral areas and far-away pastures and nearby towns and towns in the communes, including Uyghur, Kazak, Hui and Uzbekistan Such as the four ethnic religious people 38 people. All of them enthusiastically participated in the meeting that brought about the ideological reform of the Great Leap Forward. The meeting lasted for five days and ended on the 28th. The meeting first listened to the report of Comrade Ma Xingfa, a member of the county party committee and member of the Standing Committee of the County Committee of the CPPCC. All the participants held a full discussion and unanimously expressed their support for what Comrade Ma Xingfa pointed out in his report: Religious figures have made some achievements in ideological reorganization However, it is far from being able to meet the needs of the socialist revolution marked “one day equals 20 years” and the new situation of socialist construction and development. We must earnestly study Chairman Mao’s work so that we can correctly master the weapons for reforming non-proletarian ideas and speed up thinking Reform, serve the cause of socialist construction. In the discussion Ma Yuan Shan Ahong said: "I am already more than seventy years old, in the past my heart was reluctant to learn, thought it was fast into the earth, learned what to do, improper Ah Hong, to the remote rural areas to recuperate Avoid freshness so as to evade the ideological transformation. This time listening to the new domestic and international situation and the new situation in our county
Distances between Elements of a Semigroup and Estimates for Derivatives Zohra BENDOUAD Isabelle CHALENDAR Jean ESTERLE Jonathan R.PARTINGTON Abstract This paper
编辑同志: 姚雪垠的“施永怀教授”(见“人民教育”1957年7月号和8月号),是一篇含有毒液的作品。尽管这篇作品中也有“生活在这样的时代真幸福啊”等词句,然而这是掩盖毒液