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目的:根据问题学习法(PBL)探究其教学模式在健康保险课程中的应用。以学生为主体,以激发学生主观能动性,提高人际交往能力、综合分析处理问题能力,培养创新思维能力为目标,使课程与实践相结合,更好的帮助学生提升综合素质、实现就业。方法:采用以提出问题、分析解决问题为中心,使学生分别讨论、演示、交流,最后就健康保险课程相关问题提出各自观点及看法,从而锻炼学生相应的思维能力的一种靶向教学方法。并与传统的教学模式相比较,与健康保险专业就业情况相结合。结果:在PBL教学模式下,学生对健康保险课程的理论学习和实践运用能力在不同方面有所提高;但对传统教学模式还有一定耐受性。通过PBL教学模式学习的健康保险专业类学生在就业中能力表现更为突出,更符合社会需求。结论:将MOOC环境下PBL教学模式融入到传统教学模式中,使学生站在整体全面的角度去把握健康保险课程的学习,营造科学创新的教学氛围,注重健康保险专业的应用型人才培养。 OBJECTIVE: To explore the application of the teaching model in the health insurance curriculum based on the problem-based learning (PBL). Taking students as the main body, aiming to arouse the students’ subjective initiative, improve the interpersonal skills, comprehensively analyze the ability of dealing with problems and cultivate the ability of creative thinking, the curriculum and practice are combined to better help the students improve their overall quality and achieve employment. Methods: Taking the raising of questions, analyzing and solving problems as the center, the students were discussed, demonstrated and communicated respectively. Finally, their respective views and opinions on health insurance courses were put forward so as to train students’ corresponding thinking ability. And compared with the traditional teaching mode, combined with employment of health insurance professionals. Results: In PBL teaching mode, students’ ability of theoretical study and practical application of health insurance courses improved in different aspects; however, they still have some tolerance to the traditional teaching mode. The health insurance professional students who study through the PBL teaching mode are more capable of performing their jobs and more in line with the needs of the society. Conclusion: Combining the PBL teaching mode under MOOC environment with the traditional teaching mode, students can grasp the health insurance curriculum from a holistic and comprehensive perspective, create a scientific and innovative teaching atmosphere, and pay attention to the training of applied talents in health insurance.
在市场经济发展的同时,我国的医疗事业也得到了快速发展,为了促进医院的长远发展,需要加强对医院内部控制建设。本文对医院内部控制问题加以分析,并在此基础上提出相应的要求和方法,加强医院内部风险管理和防范,保证医疗质量和安全,提高医疗服务水平,提高医院整体经济实力,支撑医院可持续发展,提升患者就医感受。  从医疗卫生事业长期发展来看,医院财务的内部控制和风险管理工作还需要进一步完善,并加强医疗卫生系统建
郑维山中将郑维山,1915年生,河南新县(原湖北省麻 城县)人。1927年黄麻起义后加入童子团。1929 年加入少年先锋队。1930年1月加入中国共产 党,3月任赤卫队副指导员,后编入中
Activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors(NMDARs)mediates changes in the phosphorylation status of the glutamate receptors themselves.Previous studies have i
一把银针,一丛艾叶,吸引了当年是一名理科生的杨丹教授报考了中医类院校,与“针灸”结下了不解之缘。  理科生结缘“针灸”  现年51岁的贵阳中医二附院针灸康复科主任杨丹教授,学生时代曾是一名天天和数理化打交道的理科生。在繁重的学习之余,她总是很向往在家附近的贵阳中医学院里的学子,梦想着迈进大学的门槛。高考填报志愿时,她报考了贵阳中医学院。1987年毕业实习时,杨丹选择了针灸专业,想看看这小小一根银针
考察 了 H2 、 N2 、 He 、 C O2 和 O2 等添 加气在 常温常压 下对脉冲 电晕 等离 子体 作用 下甲 烷脱氢偶联 反应的 影响. 结果表明 , H2 对甲烷 脱氢偶 联 反应 的影 响 不大 ; N2 和 He