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为加快科技体制改革的步伐,进一步增强我市市属科研机构的发展后劲,根据《中共中央国务院关于加速科学技术进步的决定》和国务院《关于“九五”期间深化科技体制改革的决定》的有关精神,结合我市实际情况,现就市属科研机构体制改革提出如下实施方案: 一、改革的总体目标和指导思想 “九五”期间,市属科研机构科技体制改革的总体目标是:逐步建立起适应社会主义市场经济体制和科技自身发展规律的开放而有竞争力的新型科技体制。指导思想是:全面贯彻科学技术是第一生产力的思想,进一步落实科技工作要面向经济建设和社会发展的方针,准确理解和把握国家“稳住一头,放开一片”方针的内涵,以市场为导向,以产权制度及运行机制为突破口,积极调整结构,合理分流人才,促进科技资源的合理优化配置,采取不同的形式和措施,使大部分科研机构进入市场,加速科技成果的转化,提高社会生产力和科研机构自身的经济效益。 In order to speed up the reform of science and technology system and further enhance the development potential of scientific research institutions in our city, according to the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Accelerating the Progress of Science and Technology and the Decision of the State Council on Deepening the Reform of Science and Technology System during the Ninth Five-year Plan Relevant to the spirit, with the actual situation in our city, we hereby propose the following implementation plan for the reform of municipal scientific research institutions: I. Overall Objectives and Guidelines for Reform During the Ninth Five-year Plan period, the overall objective of scientific and technological structural reform for municipal scientific research institutions was to gradually: Establish an open and competitive new-type science and technology system that meets the socialist market economic system and the law of science and technology itself. The guiding ideology is: To fully implement the idea that science and technology are the primary productive forces, to further implement the principle that science and technology work should be oriented to economic construction and social development, and to understand and grasp the connotation of the principle of “stabilizing and opening up” the country with market as Take the property rights system and operation mechanism as breakthroughs, actively adjust the structure, divert talents rationally, and promote the rational allocation of science and technology resources in different forms and measures so that most scientific research institutions will enter the market, accelerating the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and increasing social Productivity and research institutions own economic benefits.
一次,但丁出席威尼斯执政官举行的宴会。听差捧给意大利各城邦使节的都是一条条肥大的煎鱼,给但丁的却是很小很小的鱼。但丁没有表示抗议,也没有吃鱼。他用手把 Once, Dante
和校长薄俊生相处过的人,都会留下这样的印象:文静中洋溢着坚韧;刚毅中又充满着书卷气,是一位好教师、好校长。 1997年9月,薄俊生出任常熟市实验小学校长。他说:“校长是一
论述了高校科技工作的发展现状和存在问题,应用可持续发展理论探讨高校科技研究的可持续发展的一些思考 Discusses the current situation and existing problems in the dev
读童话沈婕春娃娃写童话小草读了露出了绿色的嫩芽桃树读了绽开了朵朵的红花我们读了金色梦幻在萌发 Read the fairy tale Shen Jie Chun doll to write a fairy grass read
所谓“导拨”是从教师“教”的角度出发的,“教贵引导,点拨深入”。《课程标准》提出:学生是学习的主体,教师是学生学习的主导。虽然学生是课堂的主体,但却不能忽略教师对学生的引导和点拨的作用,教师的主导作用发挥得好,学生的主体地位才能得到充分的体现。笔者在教学中是按如下方式进行导拨式语文课堂教学的。  第一,一课一导学。“导学”即引导学生自主学习。在实施的过程中要求用一页16开的纸列出引导学生自主学习的