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一日,新疆境内217国道上,一辆满载煤炭的CA141汽车,在众人的惊叫声中将一名20多岁的小伙子王某撞倒在地。血流满地。伤势严重…… 原来CA141汽车的驾驶员宋某与王某是一对爱开玩笑的好朋友。这天,宋某装完煤后驾车下山,驾入217国道,发现王某背对着自己站在公路边上。宋某就加大了油门直冲过去开个玩笑,准备在王某的背后来个紧急制动,吓唬吓唬老朋友。谁知汽车在下山时使用制动过于频繁,制动器发烫失灵,没能在王某背后停住,眼睁睁地看着汽车撞倒了老朋友。 嘻戏竟引发如此恶果,教训确实沉痛…… One day, State Road 217 in Xinjiang, a car filled with coal CA141, the crowd screams will be a 20-year-old boy Wang knocked to the ground. Full of blood. Serious ... ... The original CA141 car driver Song and Wang are a pair of loves joke friends. On this day, Song finished driving down the coal, driving into the 217 National Road, Wang found himself standing on the edge of the road back. Song increase the throttle straight in the past to make fun of, ready to come in an emergency brake Wang, frighten frighten old friends. Surprisingly, when the car used in the downhill brake too often, the brake is exaggerated, failed to stop behind Wang, watched the car knocked down an old friend. Xixi actually triggered such evil consequences, the lesson really painful ......
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[摘 要] 电力安全工器具被广泛使用于发电厂的诸多生产工作中,工器具状态是否良好,直接关系着使用人员的人身安全。文中对托克托发电公司电力安全工器具的管理及检验现状进行了分析,针对目前存在的问题提出了相应的改进措施  [关键词] 安全工器具 管理 检验  1.引言  2011年7月前,托克托发电公司生产现场的安全工器具一直由外委项目部的试验单位进行检验,检验流程中存在着把关不严的现象,为
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