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为简化生产过程,节省人力物力和提纯防病增产增收,我们创造了“秋甘薯田间越冬做种”的方法,把收、贮、育连为一体,即在秋后专门栽植留种用的甘薯,收获时只将秧藤割掉不起出薯块,使之留在地里越冬,开春利用越冬薯块,原地育苗。这个办法1978年在我区及苏北部分县农科所、公社、大队农科站示范实验,引起了广泛的注意。一、具体作法(一)整地:以用多年没栽过甘薯的早秋茬或四旁闲散荒废地为好。耕前多施土杂粪、肥力水平中、上等。耕深8—9寸,整细耙平。畦宽3—4尺,畦长不限,可根据管理方便而定。(二)选苗:在地里看棵选苗,提纯选优。剪苗8—9寸长。选苗的标准是:要短、粗、壮;不要病、毒(花叶、缩叶、明脉)、弱。 In order to simplify the production process, save manpower and material resources, and purify disease prevention and increase yield, we have created a method of “harvesting, storing, and breeding autumn sweet potatoes in the field”, that is, planting sweet potatoes , The harvest will only cut off the seedling vine tubers, so stay in the ground through the winter, the spring use of winter potato, in situ nursery. This approach in 1978 in our district and some counties in northern Jiangsu Agricultural Science Institute, commune, brigade farm station demonstration experiment, aroused widespread attention. First, the specific approach (A) site preparation: In the past many years did not planted sweet potato early fall stubble or idle waste on all sides as well. More soil before tillage manure, fertility levels, fine. Teng 8-9 inch deep, flat rake flat.畦 wide 3-4 feet, 不 length is not limited, according to the management of convenience. (B) election Miao: seedlings in the field to see election, purification and optimization. Cut 8-9 inch long. Miao election criteria are: to be short, thick, strong; not disease, poison (mosaic, reduced leaf, Ming veins), weak.
今年5月,农业部在湖南省衡阳召开了南方杂交水稻座谈会。会议期间,邀集部分科技人员,讨论整理了本文,现刊出,供参考。 In May this year, the Ministry of Agriculture held
为了摸索红壤丘陵地区棉花高产的新途径,我和三阳公社藕塘八队的干群一道,进行了棉花一株双杆、一窝双株、二组四行、三组六行、老宽窄行(对照)五种种植方式对比试 In orde
在全国科学大会精神鼓舞下,我所综合了国内外有关经验,通过培养基成份的调整,应用杂交水稻肯优3号和汕优3号为材料,进行花药液体漂浮培养。分别于八月二十八日和 Encourage