Stability evaluation and protection of slope for Laosongling-Yanji Highway

来源 :Global Geology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aywjx
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The authors analyzed the engineering geological characteristics of the slope of the study area (K75+840-K76+340). Two typical cross-sections have been chosen to analyze the failure modes after the excavation of the highway. Different types of the failure modes have been calculated and analyzed. The results show that some dealing methods have been advised to ensure the stability of the slopes. The authors analyzed the engineering geological characteristics of the slope of the study area (K75 + 840-K76 + 340). Two typical cross-sections have been chosen to analyze the failure modes after the excavation of the highway. Different types of the failure modes The results show that some dealing methods have been advised to ensure the stability of the slopes.
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