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作为最早进入中国大陆的国外药品零售经营模式,美信的企业制度加盟在与中国传统加盟的较量中走过了7年多不平坦的路程。而作为来自台湾的职业经理人,张国芳陪伴着美信与中国药品零售结下了不解之缘。美信给中国药品零售业带来了一种全新的经营理念和模式,在连锁经营技术研究相对匮乏的行业早期,美信的技术输出拥有很好的发展起点,但独特的市场环境、政策环境、企业理念、消费者消费习惯等诸多因素让美信的发展随即遭遇阻碍。事实上,作为美信的掌舵人,张国芳针对中国市场的独特性对美信进行了一定程度的“本土化”转变,例如采用“区域代理模式”向其它省市拓展,依靠当地企业的资源突破地方保护的壁垒,这在一定程度上缓解了美信的特许加盟与地方政策间的冲突。但是,对操作系统和技术层面上的“本土化”的不足令一些加盟商感到不适,对加盟商缺乏产品上的支持也令加盟商感到后继乏力,尤其是大股东战略上的转向,令美信的拓展开始步入低潮。应该说,从2002年以“洋”身份高调踏入中国市场,到2008年初黯然离开美信,张国芳经历了与他预定轨道完全不同的七年。张国芳离开美信投奔湖北同济堂的一年后,2009年4月15日,他又离开了这一以加盟模式为主的企业,据说是自己开公司了,与加盟事业无关…… As the earliest foreign pharmaceutical retail business model that entered the Chinese mainland, the company’s corporate system has entered an uneven period of more than seven years in the contest with Chinese traditional alliances. As a professional manager from Taiwan, Zhang Guofang was accompanied by Mason and China’s pharmaceutical retailers. Maxim brings a brand-new business philosophy and model to China’s pharmaceutical retail industry. In the early stage of the industry where there was a relatively lack of research in chain management technology, the output of Maxim’s technology has a good starting point for development, but the unique market environment, policy environment, and corporate Concepts, consumer spending habits and many other factors have caused the development of Maxim to be hindered. In fact, as the helm of Maxim, Zhang Guofang has carried out a certain degree of “localization” transformation to Maxim against the uniqueness of the Chinese market. For example, he used the “regional agency model” to expand into other provinces and cities, relying on the Resources have broken through barriers to local protection, which to a certain extent eased the conflict between Maxim’s franchising and local policies. However, the lack of “localization” on the operating system and technology level has caused some franchisees to feel uncomfortable, and lack of product support for franchisees has also caused franchisees to feel weak in succession, especially the strategic shift of major shareholders. Make the expansion of the United States letter began to ebb. It should be said that since 2002, he entered the Chinese market with a high profile as an “an ocean,” and by the time he left MiXin in early 2008, Zhang Guofang experienced a seven-year period that was completely different from his planned track. After Zhang Guofang left MiXin to defect to Tongjitang in Hubei one year later, on April 15th, 2009, he left the company based on the franchise mode. It is said that he started the company himself and has nothing to do with the franchise business...
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